On Jan 31, 2:42 pm, "David Masover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It looks like we have similar goals, but my (planned) implementation is a
> bit different...
> I'm assuming there will, at some point, be a mechanism by which the cluster
> will automatically scale up and down -- as in, without admin interaction. If
> I understand your implementation, it wouldn't quite work that way -- you
> have static config files somewhere, right?

Correct - everything gets driven from the machine doing the deploy -
i.e. similar to the way capistrano works.  In the future if I find I
need dynamic scaling, I was planning on monitoring the cluster from
some other "master" instance which would then act as an admin to add/
remove/re-deploy instances to the cluster.  Or I may completely
rewrite :)

> instance on that account. (It will also spawn an instance if there are none,
> but this has been buggy -- in particular, ec2-describe-instances tells me
> that an instance is alive before sshd is running, and Capistrano doesn't
> like 'connection refused'.)

Yes, I ran into that too - I took the easy way out for now and
injected a sleep :)

> Only reason I haven't sent in a patch for the role-blocks thing is it needs
> a bit of cleanup (not much), and I've been drowning in a torrential flood of
> Rails books, tutorials, blogs, and general advice :(    Should be in this
> weekend, though.
> Bonus: The same mechanism can also be used to handle DNS. PowerDNS allows me
> to write a DNS server in any language that can deal with tab-delimited IO on
> stdin/stdout, and it does support AXFR, which means I can use something like
> dyndns in slave mode to do the heavy lifting.

Thats cool, I need to do something more intelligent with DNS - right
now I'm just using generated hosts files and optional dydndns updates.

> Most of this hasn't been written yet, though, and I didn't look at rubber
> very closely before I started. If you see any obvious place to collaborate,

Rubber has only been around for a week or so, so thats understandable!

> I'm all for it. Generating config files from erb is probably a good idea.

It does come in handy - and having it role based works well with a

> (Automatically installing packages/gems isn't as crucial, as I have all I
> need on a custom image already, and a Rake script to keep it updated.)

Right now I use rubber as that script to keep instances updated - I
figured most people wouldn't have that capability up front.  One can
always point rubber to an AMI of your choosing and skip the install
parts once your platform is stabilized, but having it dynamic up front
helps during the initial build out.


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