It looks like we have similar goals, but my (planned) implementation is a
bit different...

I'm assuming there will, at some point, be a mechanism by which the cluster
will automatically scale up and down -- as in, without admin interaction. If
I understand your implementation, it wouldn't quite work that way -- you
have static config files somewhere, right?

It's also a simple project for me to learn Rails (or maybe Merb) -- the
mapping of instances to roles will be managed by a Rails app, running on an
instance. That's why I wanted an actually dynamic role, expressed as a
block. In pseudocode:

role :db do
  http_get "http://#{ec2-describe-instances.pick_a_random_instance

These would be lazy and cached, like "set" variables. And I abuse those

It means the entire process is transparent to the developer. In fact, I have
something like this working right now -- only one instance, but it's not
hardcoded anywhere. We just do a "cap deploy" and it grabs the first
instance on that account. (It will also spawn an instance if there are none,
but this has been buggy -- in particular, ec2-describe-instances tells me
that an instance is alive before sshd is running, and Capistrano doesn't
like 'connection refused'.)

Only reason I haven't sent in a patch for the role-blocks thing is it needs
a bit of cleanup (not much), and I've been drowning in a torrential flood of
Rails books, tutorials, blogs, and general advice :(    Should be in this
weekend, though.

Bonus: The same mechanism can also be used to handle DNS. PowerDNS allows me
to write a DNS server in any language that can deal with tab-delimited IO on
stdin/stdout, and it does support AXFR, which means I can use something like
dyndns in slave mode to do the heavy lifting.

Most of this hasn't been written yet, though, and I didn't look at rubber
very closely before I started. If you see any obvious place to collaborate,
I'm all for it. Generating config files from erb is probably a good idea.
(Automatically installing packages/gems isn't as crucial, as I have all I
need on a custom image already, and a Rake script to keep it updated.)

On 1/31/08, matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi David,
> You might be interested in a project I'm working on do do deploys to
> ec2 using capistrano.  Specifically, I give every instance an alias
> (and one or more roles) within the framework, and store this mapping
> in a yml file so that I can auto generate the right roles for
> capistrano (nice and DRY :).  It makes it a lot nicer to work with ec2
> if you can deal with names of your own choosing rather than the
> instance-ids.
> All the instances also get configured on a role basis (install
> packages/gems, generate config files from erb templates), so it
> doesn't matter how many instances you have, i.e. if you have a single
> instance that belongs to all roles, that instance will be configured
> for all roles, and if you then reorganize and split up your roles
> amongst multiple instances, you shouldn't need to do much work because
> those new instances would only be configured for the roles they belong
> to.
> The README for the project is at:
> It should be trivial to demo it using the steps outlined therein - if
> not, then I broke something, so please let me know :)
> Matt
> On Jan 11, 3:29 pm, David Masover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Working on a way to use Capistrano to deploy to ec2. I know about
> > Capsize, but decided that I didn't want to hardcode image and instance
> > IDs anywhere -- particularly as Capistrano itself will eventually be
> > creating those itself.
> >
> >

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