as promised a week or so, here's the update on the progress for 

So we have the plugin working for capistrano 3.1 in the projects v0.1 
I was manually testing it a lot over the weekend (for both rbenv, and rvm) 
and it seems to be fine.

There are a couple things, I don't fancy: it's also fiddling with logrotate 
support, there are some Cap2 leftover files in the project.
But since I don't have push privileges to the repo I'm leaving it for now.

- is this plugin better aligned with capistrano non-provisioning policy? At 
it's core it manages 3 config files for nginx and unicorn.
- should we try to bring it to capistrano github namespace?
- if the above is yes, I'm split on the idea of collaborating with current 
project owner or just forking the project. I think the current project 
owner isn't really responsive and didn't work much with Capistrano 3 (even 
compared to me, and I started playing with it ~2weeks ago).


On Thursday, March 20, 2014 2:26:49 PM UTC+1, Bruno Sutic wrote:
> Okay great!
> I've pushed the code.
> Also, I made a not-so-big-refactor that introduces a lot of diff (moving 
> code from one file to another).
> If you want, we can use that pull 
> request<https://github.com/capistrano/postgresql/pull/1> for 
> comments and other updates.
> Also, please let me know if you think we need to enforce some special git 
> workflow, versioning or other rules..
> Bruno
> On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:34:22 AM UTC+1, Lee Hambley wrote:
>> Hi Bruno,
>> All done, it's private for now, I'll help you review it before we make it 
>> public.
>> - Lee
>> Lee Hambley
>> --
>> http://lee.hambley.name/
>> +49 (0) 170 298 5667
>> On 19 March 2014 17:18, Bruno Sutic <bruno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Lee,
>>> my github username is "bruno-". Here's the profile, so there's no 
>>> mistakes link <https://github.com/bruno->
>>> Also, thank you for letting me know about the potential issues with 
>>> database user that can change schemas and grants.
>>> If an app needs so strict environment I guess this plugin is not 
>>> appropriate. I'll make sure to outline that in the README.
>>> Thanks!
>>> On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 4:41:48 PM UTC+1, Lee Hambley wrote:
>>>> Hey Bruno, replies inline:
>>>>  Just to make sure we're on the same track: capistrano-postgresql does 
>>>>> not actually *install* postgres package. It presumes postgres is 
>>>>> installed/provisioned and:
>>>> ​Yeah, I got it, except that "provisioned" is a huge grey area, if it's 
>>>> set up "properly' the user named in the application database.yml should 
>>>> have limited read/write to data, but without being able to make schema 
>>>> changes, or using GRANT. I know most people don't bother to set that up 
>>>> correctly unless they're in a strongly security audited environment, but 
>>>> the idea that the application user, can change schemas and grants scares 
>>>> me. 
>>>>> 1. creates db user and database for the app (is this database 
>>>>> provisioning?) 2. creates appropriate database.yml
>>>> ​Yeah, same as above, I don't know whether I expect database.yml to be 
>>>> checked in, synched from somewhere else or manage by a provisioning tool, 
>>>>  it depends a lot
>>>>> But yea, creating a database (task 1.) is in the grey zone I guess.
>>>> ​As are most things if we apply enough (too much?) analysis to them.​
>>>>> About testing - no problem. I presume, you don't mean manual testing, 
>>>>> right?
>>>> ​No, we're a bit hung up because prior to the "omnibus" series of 
>>>> vagrant installations (when it was still a Gem) we used vagrant to script 
>>>> tests against virtual machines, vagrant has broken that use case now that 
>>>> it doesn't ship as a Gem anymore. The idea​
>>>> ​is to provide a "base box' against which plugins can write integration 
>>>> tests, and we can be confident that nothing broke.​
>>>>> If not manual, then what tool is used? 
>>>>> Test-kitchen<https://github.com/test-kitchen/test-kitchen>
>>>>> ?
>>>> https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/blob/master/Gemfile#L7
>>>> ​ is what we use right now, but it's no good. Probably with the new 
>>>> vagrant, we'll use the ssh kit project local ./.ssh/config and mount the 
>>>> :deploy_to so that we can run operations, and natively assets on the 
>>>> filesystem state.
>>>>> Let me know next steps for capistrano-postgresql.
>>>>> Also, I'll update you when we have capistrano-nginx-unicorn working.
>>>> ​Remind me, what's your GH username?​
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Bruno
>>>>> On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2:14:53 PM UTC+1, Lee Hambley wrote:
>>>>>> > - Lee, do you think it's a good idea we transfer 
>>>>>> capistrano-postgresql gem to capistrano/postgresql?
>>>>>> Actually, this is a tricky one, if you're prepared to deal with it, 
>>>>>> absolutely. But the problem falls on the tricky line between 
>>>>>> infrastructure 
>>>>>> provisioning, and application deployment. For example I think I would 
>>>>>> resist officially supporting a capistrano plugin that installed apt 
>>>>>> packages according to some magic formula, but we support bundler out of 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> box. We support database migrations, but provisioning the database 
>>>>>> almost 
>>>>>> rubs me the wrong way.
>>>>>> ​I'll allow it, but please forgive me if there's something else you 
>>>>>> write in the future, and my not-entirely-scientific method of deciding 
>>>>>> what 
>>>>>> to embrace, and not rejects something else.
>>>>>> - after capistrano-nginx-unicorn is working for capistrano 3, can we 
>>>>>> do the same for that one?
>>>>>> Yes, and in a perfect world, I might push you to test them when I get 
>>>>>> the capistrano test VM to a working state.
>>>>>> Lee Hambley
>>>>>> --
>>>>>>  http://lee.hambley.name/
>>>>>> +49 (0) 170 298 5667
>>>>>> On 19 March 2014 13:59, Bruno Sutic <bruno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>> I'd like to provide an update to this incentive.
>>>>>>> So, I've been investigating existing plugins for capistrano 2 (since 
>>>>>>> my app was already working with it):
>>>>>>> - 
>>>>>>> capistrano-nginx-unicorn<https://github.com/kalys/capistrano-nginx-unicorn>works
>>>>>>>  great for nginx + unicorn
>>>>>>> - I wanted to abstract postgresql management as well. Didn't find an 
>>>>>>> existing plugin so I wrote my own 
>>>>>>> capistrano2-postgresql<https://github.com/bruno-/capistrano2-postgresql>
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> With the above 2 plugins, deploying basic rails apps is a breeze. 
>>>>>>> deploy.rb stays in ~30 lines and a user does not have to bother writing 
>>>>>>> custom tasks. Most important of all: ssh-ing to the server wasn't 
>>>>>>> necessary 
>>>>>>> at all!
>>>>>>> It would be great (and beneficial for others, especially newcommers) 
>>>>>>> to have a similar setup for capistrano 3. Here's the progress on that:
>>>>>>> - I wrote 
>>>>>>> capistrano-postgresql<https://github.com/bruno-/capistrano-postgresql> 
>>>>>>> cap3 
>>>>>>> plugin/gem that deals with postgresql. I was banging on it today and it 
>>>>>>> seems to work ok.
>>>>>>> - capistrano-nginx-unicorn support is on the 
>>>>>>> way<https://github.com/kalys/capistrano-nginx-unicorn/pull/19>
>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>> Suggestions:
>>>>>>> - Lee, do you think it's a good idea we transfer 
>>>>>>> capistrano-postgresql gem to capistrano/postgresql?
>>>>>>> - after capistrano-nginx-unicorn is working for capistrano 3, can we 
>>>>>>> do the same for that one?
>>>>>>> I still have a couple of things to understand about cap 3, but after 
>>>>>>> the above is done, I'd be glad to write an entry level tutorial for 
>>>>>>> deploying rails apps with cap 3.
>>>>>>> Let me know your feedback!
>>>>>>> Bruno
>>>>>>> On Saturday, March 15, 2014 3:43:46 PM UTC+1, Bruno Sutic wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Lee,
>>>>>>>> your reply is encouraging!
>>>>>>>> As I'll be working on this for my own needs, I'll try to contribute 
>>>>>>>> back in some way mentioned in the post above.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> On Friday, March 14, 2014 6:13:23 PM UTC+1, Lee Hambley wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  I'd like to start a discussion about giving more exposure to 
>>>>>>>>>> specific capistrano plugins and ways how I could get involved.
>>>>>>>>> ​Great!​
>>>>>>>>>> Here's a bit of the background which I think I share with a lot 
>>>>>>>>>> of capistrano users:
>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to setup my rails app deployment using the standard 
>>>>>>>>>> stack of postgres + unicorn + nginx. While at it, I'd like to do it 
>>>>>>>>>> with 
>>>>>>>>>> minimum config and boilerplate. And god forbid - I also do not want 
>>>>>>>>>> to ssh 
>>>>>>>>>> to the server for *any of the tasks*.
>>>>>>>>>> (premise here is that server if fully provisioned of course)
>>>>>>>>> That's not too far off the mark!​
>>>>>>>>> ​​
>>>>>>>>> Now, I'm doing a research on capistrano unicorn plugins. I'm a 
>>>>>>>>>> "dumb user" and I want a plugin to handle unicorn scripts and 
>>>>>>>>>> configs for 
>>>>>>>>>> me - pretty standard stuff.
>>>>>>>>>> It turns out there is a bunch of plugins and their forks our 
>>>>>>>>>> there. It's totally messy, as you can see here:
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/sosedoff/capistrano-unicorn/issues/82
>>>>>>>>>> I'm thinking we really do not need all these plugins that all try 
>>>>>>>>>> to do one (simple?) thing.
>>>>>>>>>> Questions / suggestions:
>>>>>>>>>> - is it a good idea to give more highlight to specific plugins on 
>>>>>>>>>> the capistrano home page? Like for example here: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://capistranorb.com/documentation/frameworks/ruby-on-rails/
>>>>>>>>> ​Absolutely, it's written as a Jekyll site ​so that plugin authors 
>>>>>>>>> can send PRs to add themselves!
>>>>>>>>>> - or even make a step further and ask the plugin owners to move 
>>>>>>>>>> the plugins to github.com/capistrano?
>>>>>>>>> ​We already invited the plugin authors we came across (mostly due 
>>>>>>>>> to v3 upgrade related questions and problems) to host their plugins 
>>>>>>>>> with 
>>>>>>>>> us, under the Capistrano name.​
>>>>>>>>>> That way capistrano community is committed and focused on 
>>>>>>>>>> improving small number of plugins.
>>>>>>>>> Also, newcommers to capistrano are clearly pointed to what they 
>>>>>>>>>> should use and they do not have to waste time on investigation and 
>>>>>>>>>> trying 
>>>>>>>>>> out various plugins (like I did)
>>>>>>>>>> ​.
>>>>>>>>> That's a problem best solved by a plugin directory, or example 
>>>>>>>>> videos or tutorials showing people how to get started with common 
>>>>>>>>> stack 
>>>>>>>>> http://roots.io/screencasts/ is a great example of that.
>>>>>>>>>> Involvement:
>>>>>>>>>> If the above suggestions are aligned with capistrano goals I 
>>>>>>>>>> would like to offer time to make this happen. Here are the tasks I'd 
>>>>>>>>>> like 
>>>>>>>>>> to do:
>>>>>>>>>> - do the work on investigating the best (working) capistrano 
>>>>>>>>>> plugins for unicorn, nginx and postgres
>>>>>>>>>> - submit pull requests (or just communicate to maintainers) so 
>>>>>>>>>> that chosen plugins are highlighted on this page: 
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/sosedoff/capistrano-unicorn/issues/82
>>>>>>>>> ​Absolutely, please feel free to add anything you think it useful 
>>>>>>>>> to the documentation site, we're not precious about some arbitrary 
>>>>>>>>> measure 
>>>>>>>>> of purity, or worthiness for improvements, all improvements are 
>>>>>>>>> gladly 
>>>>>>>>> received.​ Perversely as the authors, we're the worst people to write 
>>>>>>>>> beginner documentation!
>>>>>>>>>> Let me know how you like the idea!
>>>>>>>>> ​I do, it should be noted, that we'll be doing more around this 
>>>>>>>>> area once we are launched with Harrow.io​, as common 
>>>>>>>>> plugins/integrations will be important, and Harrow should include 
>>>>>>>>> autodiscovery for common things.
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