On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Danushka Menikkumbura
<danus...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> a) it is your responsibility!
>> b) we have to fix this. Installing means adding the component, nothing
>> else.
> OK. Let me give you an example.
> If you use an installer that comes with a piece of software to install it,
> you do not have to worry about copying libraries or configuration files,
> adding registry entries, etc as it takes care of all that. But if you are
> smart enough you can go do all that yourself but you are responsible for
> mistakes made in any of those steps.
> Similarly in Carbon, if you get the feature manager to install a feature, it
> takes care of all that. If you happened to do it yourself you should do what
> it takes without making any mistakes.
+1 agreed with danushka. Adding default configuration is not the
solution for what dimuthu has encountered. In this case dimuthu is
responsible for making the stratos distribution. Anybody working on
wso2 product distribution should know what should be done in order to
get the product running. No excuses.
If we rely on default configs, then wso2 products will go in to
production with default configs in the future. (by mistake)

But having a default config will serve a different scenario. If a user
deletes the qpid config files after installing the features, and we
still want the server to be started then we should have default

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