This is a chance for developers to create special GUI scripts that show only 
the "most important" items on that limited pda screen.  

Lets say:
a) user starts care2x-pda, login screen appears.
b) after logging in, care2x-pda prompts user to enter his working place (or 
station) if it is not yet configured.
c) patients list appear (with basic info)
d) each time the user enters a room, nears a bed, approaches a patient, etc. 
he clicks on the patients name on the list.
e) the screen turns to an entry form (for that patient) with the most 
important items (e.g. BP, Temp, Stool, Pulse, etc.) with the minimum nr. of 
character entry (ideally just clicking on prepared values, charts scala, 
radiobuttion, etc)
f) after the work is done, user clicks on save/end
g) screen goes to step c (patient list appears)

and the workflow recycles....

Any takers? The code base for this is already available in the released 
versions.  You just need to redesign the output to pda size and limit the 
number of items.


On Friday 25 June 2004 04:07, Nandalal Gunaratne wrote:
> I think a PDA like carry around device is important. A
> mobile, dependable and simple device which has a
> decent sized screen and connects to the hospital
> network.

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