
> Some idea: Make it possible to extract a list of all patients that you
> are responsible (This list is maybe not the same as the ward list).

Usually an in-patient will be allocated

1.  To a bed in a ward in a hospital
2.  To department(s)
3.  To firm(s) (group of doctors within a department)
4.  To attending doctor(s)
5.  To other service(s) eg physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social
workers etc
6.  To nurse(s) (this might be for 1 shift at a time)
7.  There may be others I have left out

For ADT (Admissions, Discharges, Transfers) we usually just look at the Ward
statistics.  But there shuold be no reason why ADT can't be done for any of
the above responsibilities of care.

Rather than building modules for each of the above, we should have a
'generic' module that can handle all of the above (and any others that might
crop up) - something like a transfers table, with transfer_type ("bed",
"ward", "hospital", "dept" etc etc), date/time in, date/time out, value ("Dr
Smith", "Ward G321"), encounter_id etc.

In this way, you should be able to generate that list (for any service) very

Mark Painter

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