Hello bear,

i totally agree your ideas that the patient needs the highest
attentionship and not the computer or PDA.

So RFID is a suggestion i try to discuss since last autum.
I didn't saw in the whole discussion since more than a year any
analysis of different possibilities of proprietary or open source
systems. Most is done by Dr. Antas.

RFID will be a point i prepare for the next WISIS United Nations
conference in Tunis.
At the moment different interest groups meet every month with
politicians in Berlin to prepare the conference.

Inside the next meeting at 17.7. i will try to build up a health
related interest group.

The meeting plan in German

> -----------------------
> 1. Begrüßung, Vorstellungsrunde
> 2. chronologische Berichterstattung -> abzuleitende Maßnahmen?! (learned
> lessons)
> 2.1. Auswertung/Einschätzung des Wahlverfahrens der wkk-Repräsentanten
> 2.2. Auswertung/Bericht Vernetzungstreffen Berlin, 13.6.
> 2.3. (a)Auswertung/Bericht vom Treffen im Goethe-Institut
>    (b)Auswertung/Bericht von Hammamet PrePrepCom
>    (c)Auswertung/Bericht von Hammamet PrepCom)
> 3. strategische Diskussion Deutschland
> 4. Thematisches Briefing: Digital Solidarity Fund
> 5. Feedback/update
> 6. Sonstiges
> 7. To Do
> -----------------------
> 10.30-11 Begrüßung, Vorstellungsrunde
> 11-12 Auswertung/Einschätzung des Wahlverfahrens der wkk-Repräsentanten
> 12-13 Auswertung/Bericht Vernetzungstreffen Berlin, 13.6.
> 13-14 Mittagspause
> 14-15.30 (a)Auswertungen/Berichte Tunesien
> 15.30-16 strategische Diskussion Deutschland
> 16-17 Thematisches Briefing
> 17-17.30 Feedback/update, Sonstiges, To Do
> -----------------------

I hope that i can initiate also a meeting in Stuttgart this year,
because for health related interest group and Open Source there will
be support from politicians of the European parliament from different
parties of this area too.

I still be in hope that we have in the nearest future a ethic group
initiated for care2x. I personally see a high relevance because of the
possible missuse of RFID.

you wrote:

 asks to validate
b> that the nurse wants to turn their attention to the patient in that
b> room. This could be done with an RFID I assume. 

Wilfried Goedert

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