it s a bit more difficult that the use cases. if you have time for a
hangout during the week i d be pleased to have a chat on it.

On Sep 10, 2013 2:30 PM, "David Sarmiento Q." <dorphal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gergj,
> I think it's worth our time to do the architecture of the new care, it
> will save us trouble down the road.  I can start doing some use cases, and
> I have a basic class diagram for the appointments module, since I was
> thinking on redoing it. Let me find it and I'll share it on Google drive.
> If anybody feels like helping me with the use cases, it would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Here's a link to an article about Use_cases
> http://www.allaboutrequirements.com/2011/04/use-cases-for-beginners.html
> Anyway, any dates for the hangout?
> David
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