Hi David,

I'm interested in Rheumatology EMR module and other adds you made at system.

I'm trying to get code of functional Care2000 to install for a project I
get now.

¿Where do you live and where you have installed system?

I'm in Mexico.



2013/9/9 David Sarmiento Q. <dorphal...@gmail.com>

> Hi all!
> I was very excited when I recieved this email about the new codebase. I've
> been using care since the early 2000s and have done an improved appointment
> module (fit for a callcenter), Rheumatology EMR and a couple of
> administrative reports, and I also telephony integration.
> I think the new code base is a great idea, and I would like to know if
> there is any kind of architectural document  of the whole project.
> In my opinion,  we should this document should be the first deliverable
> for the new project,  this will not only keep us  who want to contribute
> codewise to the project aligned with the vision of the product everybody
> had, but it also will help with responsability assignment and schedule
> tracking.
> I would say we need at least a class diagram, some sequence diagrams (so
> the class diagram is validated) and all the use cases we can come up with.
> I also believe that we should not only consider ZF2, but we should also
> bring an ORM into the project, so we can have a truly database agnostic
> application (and it also helps keep the code cleaner, with less sql lying
> around). In my experience there are only two decent ORMs for PHP, Doctrine
> and Propel. Of these, Doctrine is the most widely used with ZF2.
> Please let me know when the google hangout is going to be, I'm definitely
> in.
> David S.
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**LSCA. Enrique F. Valderrama Ocampo*
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Tel. (+52 55) 5425 4694
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