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-----Original Message-----
From: Mariano Arcelus <>
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 09:53:09
Reply-To: ""
Subject: Re: [Care2002-developers] notice
Hello !
First of all sorry if this is not the right place to post this.
I'm Mariano Arcelus from Argentina and I have been working with Care2x in a
Hospital for 2 years, I have some things that I saw in the model that can be
changed ( if it's posible ):
- The first thing is about the Personell table, in the Hospital the personell
doesn't work all day, so when you give an appointment or a date you have to
check if that doctor is there that day and at that hour, I fix it using the
personell table adding there the days and inside the hours that he works, this
is not so good, I think that maybe using a different table is the appropiated
way, something like personell_work_time and there the personell ID and inside
days and hours. This will have an impact in the way that the appointments and
the dates are submited, now we have to check if that personell is in the
hospital at that time so we can give the appointment or the dates, another
check for apointments and dates.
- The second thing is that I have a Farmacy inside the Hospital and the Farmacy
Stock and all about giving Farmacy prescriptions are not done in the Care2x
modules, so I do it in Symfony2, I have the code for this and I think I can
adapt it to Zend Framework so I'm interesting in use Zend Framework for
building the new Care2x.
My times are not the bests but I can help coding modules in Zend Framework.
- Other thing that I've done was using Mirth Connect with Care2x and DCM4CHEE
for images, all this is up and runing in the Hospital, it's not the best way, I
think that if Care2x can use HL7 and send it to DCM4CHEE that will be good, but
this is a little bit hard to do.
When I started all this I don't have enouth time to solve all the problems that
I find, so I use the fastest way, and not always is the best way.
I've downloaded the Care2x Zend Framework from Github a long time ago and I
didn't write a single line of code yet because I didn't know if this was going
to start or not... I think that if all of us start with this project we can
finish it really fast.
I put myself and some time of mine to disposition to make this new Care2x
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:24:46 +0200
Subject: Re: [Care2002-developers] notice
it s a bit more difficult that the use cases. if you have time for a hangout
during the week i d be pleased to have a chat on it.
On Sep 10, 2013 2:30 PM, "David Sarmiento Q." <
<> > wrote:
I think it's worth our time to do the architecture of the new care, it will
save us trouble down the road. I can start doing some use cases, and I have a
basic class diagram for the appointments module, since I was thinking on
redoing it. Let me find it and I'll share it on Google drive.
If anybody feels like helping me with the use cases, it would be greatly
Here's a link to an article about Use_cases
Anyway, any dates for the hangout?
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