> But please note solutions were already outlined:
> https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CAS-742

That issue in no way addresses single sign-out matters when the client
is clustered/load balanced.

> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.jasig.cas.devel/1495

That is a good reference. The patch I offered took the strategy of
sharing state across all client nodes. I think rebroadcasting is more
work and has more potential points of failure.

I thought I'd lost the patch, but it's actually attached to
https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CASC-114. I was perhaps a little
bashful at the time and didn't push it, but if we want to revisit the
issue now I'm perfectly happy to reignite the discussion.

> 4) Bottom line, I felt it's not delayed due to lack of contributors.

Disagree. I implemented and tested a solution and there was lackluster
interest and it withered on the vine. It takes more than a patch to
bring a feature of this scope into the product. There's a place for
code review, testing, and folks that simply offer words of support.
I'm sure there's a role for you in that list somewhere.


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