
Thanks - unfortunately my management forbids shared state for now, but it will 
be re-considered in a few months when our architecture matures.
But a million thanks for your willingness to dig up & share this code, it's 
deeply appreciated.

As per your remark - please note https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CAS-742  
*could*help with sign out behind a load-balancer, provided CAS can access 
internal node addresses (not through the load-balancer). 
It boils down to allowing business applications to add parameters when 
redirecting to CAS login, then extending SimpleWebApplicationServiceImpl  to 
store those parameters.
For example: 
If "SimpleWebApplicationServiceImpl" could record this extra data, it could be 
used so that "myInternalAddress" (=internal node address behind the LB) can be 
used for Service Ticket validation + logout notifications, while 
"myExternalAddress" can be used only when redirecting the user back to the 
application on successful login.

I did a very rudimentary POC which worked, but it's not mature enough for 
1) It didn't consider proxy callbacks, SAML, Google Accounts and various other 
features (we have just plain HTTP requests)
2) It's hard to change the instantiation of SimpleWebApplicationServiceImpl: 
it's not instantiated only through the Factory method (crateServiceFrom) but 
also from some direct constructor invocations
3) One might also want to encrypt/obscure the "internalAddress" param, if they 
don't want to expose their internal architecture

In any case, thanks again for taking the time to reply, it's really appreciated 

----- Original Message -----
From: Marvin Addison <marvin.addi...@gmail.com>
To: cas-user@lists.jasig.org
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [cas-user] Single Sign Out - and load balancer

> But please note solutions were already outlined:
> https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CAS-742

That issue in no way addresses single sign-out matters when the client
is clustered/load balanced.

> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.jasig.cas.devel/1495

That is a good reference. The patch I offered took the strategy of
sharing state across all client nodes. I think rebroadcasting is more
work and has more potential points of failure.

I thought I'd lost the patch, but it's actually attached to
https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CASC-114. I was perhaps a little
bashful at the time and didn't push it, but if we want to revisit the
issue now I'm perfectly happy to reignite the discussion.

> 4) Bottom line, I felt it's not delayed due to lack of contributors.

Disagree. I implemented and tested a solution and there was lackluster
interest and it withered on the vine. It takes more than a patch to
bring a feature of this scope into the product. There's a place for
code review, testing, and folks that simply offer words of support.
I'm sure there's a role for you in that list somewhere.


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