> As per your remark - please note https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CAS-742  
> *could*help with sign out behind a load-balancer, provided CAS can access 
> internal node addresses (not through the load-balancer).

Apologies, I didn't read carefully.

> It boils down to allowing business applications to add parameters when 
> redirecting to CAS login, then extending SimpleWebApplicationServiceImpl  to 
> store those parameters.
> For example: 
> https://server/cas/login?service=myInternalAddress&redirectTo=myExternalAddress
> Now:
> If "SimpleWebApplicationServiceImpl" could record this extra data, it could 
> be used so that "myInternalAddress" (=internal node address behind the LB) 
> can be used for Service Ticket validation + logout notifications

What happens when the node fails and the data is migrated to another
node? I realize some purely load balanced architectures aren't
concerned with that failure mode, but many HA designs are concerned
with failover as much as load distribution. Any solution for single
sign-out should support both environments.


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