On 03/17/2014 04:02 PM, Paul B. Henson wrote:
From: Richard Frovarp
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 9:24 AM

You probably want the logout of a single system to log the user out of CAS.
Otherwise you could have surprising SSO's happen.
I dunno, it seems it would kind of defeat the purpose of "single sign-on", if 
every time you stop using a single application you've got to sign on again to use a 
different one...

But it isn't stop using an application (unless a timeout there forces a logout of CAS). It's actually logging out of the application, and the user desiring to remove their access to the system. What good is logging out of an application if the only step required to get back in is clicking the login button?

The SSO piece still works if the user enters in new URLs, or clicks through links between different applications.

A surprising SSO is you logging out of a website, me sitting down, clicking login, and then being you. That isn't the point of SSO.

Google works in a similar manner, except that they implement single sign off between their systems as well.

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