Good day Adam

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with MATLAB 2012B. Im using the Vivado suite
that came with a Zed-Board (Vivado 2013.4).

The error I am receiving from MATLAB at startup is:
Undefined function 'lAddSysgen' for input arguments of type 'char'.
> In matlabrc at 205

The errors I get from the system generator is:
1. Design Error - Default block diagram
2. Block Error - AddSub

These errors occurs with the first tutorial from CASPER.

I looked at the "tweaks to compile" but everything seems ok.

I will use the guides you have attached in the previous email.

I appreciate your help!!


On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Adam Isaacson <> wrote:

> Apologies, that should of been Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Matlab R2015b...
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Adam Isaacson <> wrote:
>> Hi Heystek,
>> What OS are you using? I am using Ubuntu 4.04 LTS. What repo are you
>> using? I am using What version of
>> Matlab and Xilinx are you using? I am using Matlab R2012b and R2105b. I am
>> using Xilinx ISE 14.7. I wrote these How To docs which may or may not come
>> in handy.
>> 1) Matlab 2012b and 2015b Installation:
>> OEWUhqTlF_zAePTj0
>> 2) Xilinx ISE 14.7 Installation:
>> l5crXa7Q5xbcoYgE0
>> This should be read in conjunction with the CASPER wiki page -
>> 4.x_and_Matlab_2012b - did you follow "tweaks to be able to compile"?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Adam
>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Heystek Grobler <
>> > wrote:
>>> Good Day
>>> My name is Heystek Grobler. I am an electrical en electronic engineering
>>> science student and for my final year project (skripsie) I'm developing a
>>> wideband spectrometer on a ROACH-2 board.
>>> Currently I have a problem with Xilinx System Generator and MATLAB. The
>>> Simulink Model runs as a simulation but as soon as I run it in Xilinx
>>> System Generator to compile it for the board it crashes and gives a "design
>>> error" as and "block error".
>>> I was hoping that if possible, that you could provide me with assistance
>>> to get Xilinx and Simulink up and running. So far I followed the CASPER
>>> tutorials but got stuck with this problem/
>>> I hope to hear from you soon.
>>> Have a wonderful day
>> --
>> Adam Isaacson
>> DBE: FPGA Engineer
>> 3rd Floor
>> The Park
>> Park Road
>> Pinelands
>> 7405
>> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
>> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
>> Cell: +27825639602
> --
> Adam Isaacson
> DBE: FPGA Engineer
> 3rd Floor
> The Park
> Park Road
> Pinelands
> 7405
> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
> Cell: +27825639602

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