Hi Adam

I modified the startsg file. When I run it I get the error in the terminal
"Permission denied". When I run the startsg file as sudo I get the error
"command not found".

I have attached my modified startsg file.

Do you perhaps have any ideas of how to solve it?

Sorry for the inconvenience


On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Adam Isaacson <aisaac...@ska.ac.za> wrote:

> Hi Heystek,
> Nope, just run the ./startsg and matlab will run the startup.m file for
> you when it opens. You should already have both the startsg and startup.m
> files, but I gave you mine as I know it works.
> Kind Regards,
> Adam
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Heystek Grobler <
> heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Adam
>> I will try these files! Do I run the startup.m file in matlab as well?
>> Have a nice day
>> Heystek
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Adam Isaacson <aisaac...@ska.ac.za>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Heystek,
>>> No worries. I was in your position just a few months ago :). I have
>>> attached my matlab startup scripts (startsg and startup.m). These must be
>>> placed in the "mlib_devel" directory. You will probably have to change the
>>> paths to where your installs are.
>>> All you need to do is the following:
>>> 1) Startup matlab R2012b, by running the startsg script. Using the
>>> Ubuntu terminal, in the "mlib_devel" directory type: "./startsg". This
>>> should startup matlab. There should be a message saying that "system
>>> generator currently found installed in matlab default path..."
>>> 2) Type in "simulink" in the command window.
>>> 3) The Simulink Library Browser will open. Browse to where your model is
>>> located and select the *.slx file.
>>> 4) The model should open. Press "Ctrl + D" to check for any errors.
>>> There should be no errors.
>>> 5) Type in "casper_xps" in the command window. The casper XPS window
>>> should pop up. Make sure all boxes are ticked under "ISE Design Flow
>>> Choice:" and then click on "Run XPS". This will run the system generator as
>>> part of the process, the Xilinx ISE and generate the relevant bit, fpg
>>> files.
>>> I have also attached scripts if you just want to run the programs
>>> individually - you will need to edit the path to where your installs are.
>>> Good luck. This should get you going. If the scripts bomb out then it is
>>> likely that your paths are not correct - check that first.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Adam
>>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 8:26 PM, Heystek Grobler <
>>> heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Adam
>>>> I got ISE to run. It open up die GUI. How do I start the sysgen with
>>>> MATLAB?
>>>> Sorry about the queations.
>>>> Thank you for your help
>>>> Heystek
>>>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Heystek Grobler <
>>>> heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good day Adam
>>>>> I have been working through the documents you send me. I cant open the
>>>>> ISE IDE. As soon as I run the script I get the following error:
>>>>> command not found
>>>>> I am new to Linux and Xilinx.
>>>>> Have a good day
>>>>> Heystek
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Adam Isaacson <aisaac...@ska.ac.za>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>>>> You mentioned that you were using the ROACH2 board. This contains a
>>>>>> Virtex 6 device. Vivado only works with Virtex 7 onwards. I would suggest
>>>>>> if you are going to target the ROACH 2 that you use Xilinx ISE 14.7.
>>>>>> You will need to work with ISE 14.7 and not Vivado.  We have just
>>>>>> begun to use Vivado for our Virtex 7 board e.g  SKARAB. As far as I am
>>>>>> aware, all the the ROACH2 development in SKA-SA has been done using 
>>>>>> Xilinx
>>>>>> ISE 14., as it supports Virtex 6 devices.
>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Heystek Grobler <
>>>>>> heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Good day Adam
>>>>>>> I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with MATLAB 2012B. Im using the Vivado
>>>>>>> suite that came with a Zed-Board (Vivado 2013.4).
>>>>>>> The error I am receiving from MATLAB at startup is:
>>>>>>> Undefined function 'lAddSysgen' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>>>>>>> > In matlabrc at 205
>>>>>>> The errors I get from the system generator is:
>>>>>>> 1. Design Error - Default block diagram
>>>>>>> 2. Block Error - AddSub
>>>>>>> These errors occurs with the first tutorial from CASPER.
>>>>>>> I looked at the "tweaks to compile" but everything seems ok.
>>>>>>> I will use the guides you have attached in the previous email.
>>>>>>> I appreciate your help!!
>>>>>>> Heystek
>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Adam Isaacson <aisaac...@ska.ac.za>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Apologies, that should of been Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Matlab R2015b...
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:28 PM, Adam Isaacson <aisaac...@ska.ac.za>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Heystek,
>>>>>>>>> What OS are you using? I am using Ubuntu 4.04 LTS. What repo are
>>>>>>>>> you using? I am using https://github.com/ska-sa/mlib_devel. What
>>>>>>>>> version of Matlab and Xilinx are you using? I am using Matlab R2012b 
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> R2105b. I am using Xilinx ISE 14.7. I wrote these How To docs which 
>>>>>>>>> may or
>>>>>>>>> may not come in handy.
>>>>>>>>> 1) Matlab 2012b and 2015b Installation:
>>>>>>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=18BBkoWlSGeuK8BV1UlSnRJIYzl
>>>>>>>>> OEWUhqTlF_zAePTj0
>>>>>>>>> 2) Xilinx ISE 14.7 Installation:
>>>>>>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o7Wl7wzB7VE1Cckk60B35WerJv
>>>>>>>>> l5crXa7Q5xbcoYgE0
>>>>>>>>> This should be read in conjunction with the CASPER wiki page -
>>>>>>>>> https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/MSSGE_Setup_with_Xilinx_1
>>>>>>>>> 4.x_and_Matlab_2012b - did you follow "tweaks to be able to
>>>>>>>>> compile"?
>>>>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Heystek Grobler <
>>>>>>>>> heystekgrob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Good Day
>>>>>>>>>> My name is Heystek Grobler. I am an electrical en electronic
>>>>>>>>>> engineering science student and for my final year project (skripsie) 
>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>> developing a wideband spectrometer on a ROACH-2 board.
>>>>>>>>>> Currently I have a problem with Xilinx System Generator and
>>>>>>>>>> MATLAB. The Simulink Model runs as a simulation but as soon as I run 
>>>>>>>>>> it in
>>>>>>>>>> Xilinx System Generator to compile it for the board it crashes and 
>>>>>>>>>> gives a
>>>>>>>>>> "design error" as and "block error".
>>>>>>>>>> I was hoping that if possible, that you could provide me with
>>>>>>>>>> assistance to get Xilinx and Simulink up and running. So far I 
>>>>>>>>>> followed the
>>>>>>>>>> CASPER tutorials but got stuck with this problem/
>>>>>>>>>> I hope to hear from you soon.
>>>>>>>>>> Have a wonderful day
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Adam Isaacson
>>>>>>>>> DBE: FPGA Engineer
>>>>>>>>> SKA-SA
>>>>>>>>> 3rd Floor
>>>>>>>>> The Park
>>>>>>>>> Park Road
>>>>>>>>> Pinelands
>>>>>>>>> 7405
>>>>>>>>> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
>>>>>>>>> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
>>>>>>>>> Cell: +27825639602
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Adam Isaacson
>>>>>>>> DBE: FPGA Engineer
>>>>>>>> SKA-SA
>>>>>>>> 3rd Floor
>>>>>>>> The Park
>>>>>>>> Park Road
>>>>>>>> Pinelands
>>>>>>>> 7405
>>>>>>>> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
>>>>>>>> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
>>>>>>>> Cell: +27825639602
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Adam Isaacson
>>>>>> DBE: FPGA Engineer
>>>>>> SKA-SA
>>>>>> 3rd Floor
>>>>>> The Park
>>>>>> Park Road
>>>>>> Pinelands
>>>>>> 7405
>>>>>> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
>>>>>> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
>>>>>> Cell: +27825639602
>>> --
>>> Adam Isaacson
>>> DBE: FPGA Engineer
>>> SKA-SA
>>> 3rd Floor
>>> The Park
>>> Park Road
>>> Pinelands
>>> 7405
>>> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
>>> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
>>> Cell: +27825639602
> --
> Adam Isaacson
> DBE: FPGA Engineer
> 3rd Floor
> The Park
> Park Road
> Pinelands
> 7405
> Tel: +27215067300 (W)
> Fax: +27215067375 (W)
> Cell: +27825639602

Attachment: startsg
Description: Binary data

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