
is there already any plan to switch from CVS as source code repository to
the successor "Subversion"?
I think Subversion has now become quite stable, and we could take
advantage of reworked new tool. Here you can read about all the new
features compared to CVS:

There exists a python script "cvs2svn", which makes the conversion of the
CVS repository quite easy. I shortly did this transition with two CVS repos,
and found now problems. The complete history is preserved, and even tags
and branches are available after.

On the client side there are available several different SVN clients.
First of all there is the standard command line client. For integrated
Java development there is Eclipse plugin called "Subclipse". And there
is also a Explorer interface for MS Windows named "TortoiseSVN".

If there is interest, I could help in setting up the SVN server.



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