On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:36:23 +0100, Martin Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Martin, have you see this thread from Nov. 2004?
> Yes, as you remember me.  ;-)
> Bruce said, "SVN is fantastic", but he would like to have more
> experience before switching. OK, this may be a standpoint.
> But learning comes with doing. And I don't think, we can do
> much wrong with subversion. Of course I would only propose
> such a thing after the long awaited 0.9.6 release.

I have used SVN quite a bit on the Geronimo project and I really like
it. I would also support a switch to SVN. However, this issue is not
as simple as making a decision to switch due to some history with the
project. Since I've been involved with the Castor Project (Aug/Sept
2000), committers who are not Intalio employees have never had admin
level access to the necessary server(s). But recently this began to
change for the better. I need to follow up with the Intalio CIO to
clarify some things. Please allow me the week to follow up with him
and I will post my results to the this discussion thread.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","<0G)[EMAIL 

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Apache Geronimo

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