Hello Wade,

> My experience with Subversion is that the clients suck.  I have tried to 
> setup repositories before, and the server seemed to run fine, but the 
> clients would crash and act up on different OS, and there seem to not be 
> as many clients available for Subversion as for CVS.  This has been my 
> experience.  What version of Subversion are you using?  Which clients 
> are you using?  For instance, I don't use Eclipse.  I use Netbeans.

I'm using the current subversion version 1.1.2 from december.
On Windows I'm using the command line client as well as TortoiseSVN
integrated in the Explorer. On Linux I'm using the command line like
Nick Stuart. Well, I don't use Linux that much as Windows, so I didn't
try any of the GUI clients for Linux. The Eclipse plugin works also
quite well most of the time. Only the function "display history" should
be used with care. It leads to several minutes long wait times.
I hope this will be fixed in a future version.  ;-)

> ...
> isn't widely used, and why there are not many clients for it.  I would 
> have thought there would have been a good Linux client for it, but never 
> found one that ran correctly.....beside the command line.



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