Martin Fuchs wrote:
H Keith,

That's really a problem with the clients though, not the server, in my opinon anyway. I wrote a little command line utility that automatically adjusts the timestamp in the CVS/Entries files. I just run that once after a timezone change and it fixes the problem locally. I never have to re-pull the source tree. Since I work remotely from Texas, it would kill me to have to re-pull all the sources for all the projects I work on, so that's why I wrote the little utility to just fix the CVS/Entries files instead. Then when I run my CVS client, everything is back to normal.

Of course it's a problem with the clients.
Could you make your script public?  :)
It's not only usefull for Castor, but for any other CVS using project.

I'm not really sure where to make it public, but I'll send it to you. I can probably place a copy on the forums or in the FTP server of Castor as well.


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