On 07.01.2005 10:29:59 Werner Guttmann wrote:
> thank for your valuable feedback, and to some degree I agree with you. I for
> myself have never seen any problems with CVS (except for teams spread
> across locations such as New York, London and Tokyo, where all team members
> in a different location than the CVS repository suffer a performance
> penalty).

Well, there is one additional (minor) problem with CVS.
It doesn't handle time zones correctly. After each switch to/from daylight
saving time the whole source tree is pulled over the net again.
Even more, the time zone handling between different implementations
is different: If one checkes out using the windows command line client,
and after that updated using Wincvs or the Eclipse plugin, the same effect
happens: It updates the whole source tree, though no change occured.
Subversion uses standardized time zone handling routines in common
libraries for all clients, so this problem doesn't occure.



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