Anthony Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/10/2007 10:04:33

> good enough reason not to use it then if you ask me ;)
> Have only played with it but haven;t taken it seriously myself.
> But, this does raise another question I have. There is plethora of
> modules that are to help Perl be more OO like and stricter ....
> which is cool, but are there any good de-facto standard modules that
> are used by the majority of people wishing to be more OO compliant.
> For example, in the realms of MVC in Perl, Catalyst has become the
> de-facto std, DBIx::Class for ORM etc.
> I'm currently on a mission to learn patterns and better techniques,
> thus searching CPAN for this type of stuff. But, the dates that
> these packages were created/last maintained get me thinking that
> they're either ULTRA stable or not used very much.
> I know this is well OT but then this thread has gone waaaaaaaay off
> track from the original mail ......... which I find hilarious ...
> as I started it.
> -Ants

Well, my view is you can kinda get there with perl right now using moose
and other modules to fake out the weaknesses in the perl oo layer -- but it
looks like full blown strict OO is still pushed into the realm of perl 6.
I am not saying you can't do OO right now in perl (of course you can),
just that much of the edge of perl OO is smother over by modules that hide
the sharp edges from you.  So if you are looking to "learn" OO,  there may
be some disservice to do so in perl as you may not come to see the issues
for what they are.  As far as learning/using design patterns,  to me that
seems less tied to the language and more tied to how you "think" out the
problems and design solutions.


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