On Thu, 10 May 2007, Adam Clarke wrote:

I think there's a name for tha pattern I'm using, but I can't remember it or find a good reference online.

Would that be the factory method pattern?


I don't think it's really a factory. That would more like "give me an appropriate locker object for my OS/filesystem/whatever". Generally, a factory is used when you have a bunch of subclasses to choose from, and you don't want the caller to have to pick one explicitly.

Maybe what I'm doing isn't a pattern, exactly, it's just a design choice. Rather than putting lots of methods into Catalyst objects, I'm adding minimal hooks to the Catalyst core objects, and those hooks return objects with more methods.

It's kind of a pattern for plugins, which might be summarized like this:

* A plugin can add _one_ method to _one_ core class - Context, Request, or Response in this case * The method added should return an object of some sort, with a well-defined API

This is as opposed to the historical Catalyst plugin pattern of "jam a gazillion methods into Context" ;)


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