good enough reason not to use it then if you ask me ;)

Have only played with it but haven;t taken it seriously myself.

But, this does raise another question I have. There is plethora of modules that 
are to help Perl be more OO like and stricter .... which is cool, but are there 
any good de-facto standard modules that are used by the majority of people 
wishing to be more OO compliant.

For example, in the realms of MVC in Perl, Catalyst has become the de-facto 
std, DBIx::Class for ORM etc.

I'm currently on a mission to learn patterns and better techniques, thus 
searching CPAN for this type of stuff. But, the dates that these packages were 
created/last maintained get me thinking that they're either ULTRA stable or not 
used very much.

I know this is well OT but then this thread has gone waaaaaaaay off track from 
the original mail ......... which I find hilarious ...  as I started it.



"A. Pagaltzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: * Anthony Gardner  [2007-05-10 16:00]:
> Why not use Attribute::Protected to define private etc. methods

Because it does not actually prevent private methods in
subclasses from overriding ones in their superclasses, moves
error detection to compile time, adds overhead to every call,
and saddles you with yet another dependency.

Attribute::Protected turns subtle bugs into crashes, which is
a start when you have nothing better. But you do have something
better: using lexicals to store private methods *eliminates* the
problem entirely.

> Using 
> my $my_method = sub {}
> doesn;t that have a drawback if you want to use it before it's
> been defined?

That’s what BEGIN blocks are for. (And they’re always implicitly
there when loading a module.)

*AUTOLOAD=*_;sub _{s/(.*)::(.*)/print$2,(",$\/"," ")[defined wantarray]/e;$1}

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