Finally got around to releasing an engine I have been working on for a little bit. I was disappointed in the POE engine and came to the conclusion that POE, while tons of fun to use, is not the right framework for something like a Catalyst engine. So this engine is designed to replace the POE engine and is more than twice as fast, a lot more robust, and will scale much better.

It is based on Net::Server::Prefork so it has all of the preforking features you'd expect (min servers, spares, max servers, flock-based accept() serialization, etc). It also requires 2 XS modules to further improve performance: HTTP::HeaderParser::XS (formerly Perlbal::XS::HTTPHeaders), and Cookie::XS. I also tried to support as many HTTP/1.1 features as possible, and so it includes support for chunked requests, chunked responses, pipelined requests, and of course keep-alive.

It's suitable for use as a fast development server with the same -r restart support as the HTTP and POE engines, and should also be suitable as a production-quality server (although it *is* still version 0.01 :)


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