On Apr 6, 2008, at 3:08 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

It is based on Net::Server::Prefork so it has all of the preforking features you'd expect (min servers, spares, max servers, flock- based accept() serialization, etc). It also requires 2 XS modules to further improve performance: HTTP::HeaderParser::XS (formerly Perlbal::XS::HTTPHeaders), and Cookie::XS.

I've tried to install HTTP-HeaderParser-XS (under Windows), but I got the following error:

E:\HTTP-HeaderParser-XS-0.20\HTTP-HeaderParser-XS-0.20>perl Makefile.pl
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lstdc++

And I can't go further because I can't do the next step (nmake). I also tried to find a ppm package for this module, but I couldn't.

The other modules work fine and I think Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork should also work if HTTP- HeaderParser-XS is working.

Do you have suggestions for what I can do to be able to install it under Windows?

As Windows doesn't support fork, I am not sure the engine will work under Windows at all. The fork emulation in ActivePerl will probably not work, since it makes your application multi-threaded and then you will run into thread safety issues with lots of modules.

However, the "No library found for -lstdc++" warning happens to me too on Mac, and it compiles fine anyway.

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