On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Simon Baird <simon.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > Thanks for the advice. I might start fresh and see if I can pinpoint
> > where things went wrong.
> >
> >
> Ok, so just now I have:
> * Googled and ended up here:
> http://search.cpan.org/~mramberg/Catalyst-Runtime-5.7000/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Authentication.pod<http://search.cpan.org/%7Emramberg/Catalyst-Runtime-5.7000/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Authentication.pod>
> * Did the svn checkout as described:
> svn co
> http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/tags/examples/Tutorial/MyApp/5.7/Authentication
> MyApp
> * Fired it up and I have this in my apache log:
> [warn] Authentication::Store::DBIC is deprecated!
> * And so when you google that you find:
> "This store has been deprecated in favour of
> Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class. Please do not use this
> plugin for new development."
> This is pretty close to what happened on the first part of my
> adventures except quicker and with with less swearing... :)
> Ps, ...I may have figured it out... is it because I should be using
> this tutorial?
> http://search.cpan.org/~rjbs/Catalyst-Manual-5.7014/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Authentication.pod<http://search.cpan.org/%7Erjbs/Catalyst-Manual-5.7014/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial/Authentication.pod>
> --
> simon.ba...@gmail.com

Trusting Google to give you the latest version is probably a pretty bad idea

To derail this conversation a little bit, perhaps the canonical meta tag
pointing to the most recent release would do well on older versions still
sitting on CPAN?  I'm not sure how else to coerce Google into always linking
to the most recent version of whatever it finds.

That, and the "Latest Release" on CPAN is busted.  It points to 5.7003 which
then goes to a Not Found page.  Ick.

And for more on-topic goodness, Catalyst::Manual for 5.8 is also out:

If you go to http://search.cpan.org/ you can find the most recent there... I
tend to ignore Google when I'm searching for technical documentation as it
often comes up short.  Having said that, sorry for your experience here.
It's a pretty bad and frustrating user experience to follow a guide that is
outdated purely because Google told you :)  Since it seems the example app
is also out of date, perhaps someone should update that (I may be able to...
if nobody else beats me to it)

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