On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 7:41 AM, <hkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Tomas Doran <bobtf...@bobtfish.net>
> wrote:
> >
> > On 29 May 2009, at 01:49, hkcl...@gmail.com wrote:
> >>
> >> For example, a search for "Catalyst Tutorial" on search.cpan.org shows
> >> a bunch of the 5.7014 stuff near the top... and that's over 7 months
> >> (and 9 releases) old.  Is there a way to "kill off" older releases
> >> like that (or at least push them down in the search results)?
> >
> > The only way to do this is to delete the dist in question.
> >
> > I asked rjbs to do so, and it's now scheduled for deletion. It'll be
> deleted
> > in 48 hours, and search.cpan should catch up at whatever it's usual pace
> is,
> > later ;)
> >
> > Cheers
> > t0m
> >
> Great.  Thank you very much.  That should at least remove some
> possible confusion for folks new to Catalyst who wonder why they are
> seeing "multiple copies of almost the same thing" in the
> search.cpan.org results.
> Does anyone know how the CPAN search algorithm works in terms of what
> it ranks first (or how we might be able to find out)?
> I look at it this way: if search.cpan.org and Google send people off
> in the wrong direction and/or frustrate them, then we have probably
> lost our only chance to "make a good first impression."  It's a pain
> that we have to do extra work to make those external things "show
> Catalyst in the right way"... but at the end of the day, if it "makes
> us look bad" then it's just that... we look bad.  I totally agree with
> MST's point that we should do things to promote "modern Perl",
> Catalyst, DBIC, Moose, etc. through things like blogging.  Making it
> ease for people to get their hands on good information when they are
> new is just another way to accomplish that goal... IMHO. :-)

Just as a quick aside, if you go to catalystframework.org and follow the
Documentation link, it continues to
http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Manual/ which defaults to the latest

If the search results defaulted to the latest, there was a canonical tag
that pointed to the /dist/ path, as well as the "Latest version" link always
doing the right thing, the problem would likely be reduced.

The Latest version link could be made more prominent as well.

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