
I have a problem with AAR..

HQ phone is configured with location HQ-L
Br1 phone is configured with location BR1-L

AAR groups are configured as follows:

Br1-AAR ..... prefix:91 with HQ-AAR
HQ-AAR  ..... prefix: 9 with BR1-AAR

HQ phone dn [1001, 2122221001]
BR1 phone dn [2002, 6175222002]

Route patterns configured:

pointing to 6608 gw.

Problem: Whenever I reduce location HQ-L, I try to reach destination hqphone 
from BR1 phone, and I get a fast busy tone..

I am not sure where the problem is.. Could anyone give me a hint?

Note: Under normal conditions, I can reach hqphone from Br1 phone thru 6608 gw 
if I use hq phone's external mask as a destination..




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