There should only be one call on a port.  UNLESS you are on your deskphone 
talking to a customer and VPN'ed into that customer's network using IP 
Communicator (PC connected to phone) to solve an issue on their system.  Then 
the policing policy (does that count as a repetitive redundancy?) breaks.  
Cisco is just trying to limit the amount of bandwidth coming into one specific 
port because we know a little bit about the traffic characteristics of some of 
the traffic (voice).  I think you know this, maybe not the exception I thought 
of above.

Yea, and that guy's article doesn't apply the "service policy in" on any 
interface.  And he's restricting data to 5Mb/s.  Let's all buy (or sell) 
expensive Gigabit phones (x5's) and restrict the network port to 5Mb.  Oh well. 
 First customer I did that on, I would be driving back over there to remove, 
I'd say in about 1 day.  That's not my comment on the bottom, but sounds right 

Some more investigation is needed, but I think the statement "allow one voice 
call per switchport VVLAN." means for each port that has a voice vlan defined, 
allow 128K RTP and 32K signaling. There's a bunch of restrictions they mention. 
 I would have to believe in 4 years later that these had to be taken care of.  
I'm using 122-35SE2.  Let's check some updated QoS documentation to see what's 
up.  I can try to look at this some more sometime later in the week.  I don't 
think we should follow too closely the SRND when it comes to the 3750 QoS.  
Maybe a combination of QoS SRND, then validate / update the info witht he CCM 
7.x SRND and whatever other QoS documents we can find on the 3750.

[] On Behalf Of Jeff Garvas []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 2:15 PM
To: James Key
Subject: Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] 3750 QoS Question


I started to respond to this yesterday and realized I was going down the wrong 
path.   I did run into this article which I have not had a chance to digest yet:

It seems that they may be talking about the same exact example you're talking 
about.    How is the policy being applied in your example so that it limits the 
calls per switch port?  Are you applying it at each interface inbound to the 

If I'm understanding this right I believe that unless you have some other form 
of CAC subsequent calls would cause all call audio to be poor due to drops (for 
all calls).  I'm not clear exactly on what is going to happen to the signaling 


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:07 PM, James Key 
<<>> wrote:

Anyone have any guidance on the questions below  I posted yesterday?


 On Behalf Of James Key
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:09 PM
Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] 3750 QoS Question

Reading over the QoS SRND and trying to get a better understanding of 3750 QoS 
and more specifically, the Conditionally-Trusted IP Phone + PC with 
Scavenger-Class QoS (Basic) Model. I understand the ACLs and marking traffic as 
well as queuing, but am having some difficulty in understanding the theory 
behind the policing within the Policy-Maps.


class-map match-all VVLAN-VOICE

match access-group name VVLAN-VOICE

class-map match-all VVLAN-CALL-SIGNALING

match access-group name VVLAN-CALL-SIGNALING



 set ip dscp 46

 police 128000 8000 exceed-action drop


 set ip dscp 24

 police 32000 8000 exceed-action policed-dscp-transmit

ip access list extended VVLAN-VOICE

permit udp any range 16384 32767

ip access list extended VVLAN-CALL-SIGNALING

permit tcp any range 2000 2002

the comment for the police statement under class VVLAN-VOICE states that this 
will only allow one voice call per switchport VVLAN.   So my question is (I 
hope this doesn’t sound to dumb!), what happens to a 2nd,3rd, and so on 
concurrent call that may come from an IP Phone connected to a switchport with 
this policy?  Same question for the police statement under class 
VVLAN-CALL-SIGNALING.  Is it that any signaling traffic that exceeds 32k will 
be marked down to CS1?

any clarification on this would be much appreciated!


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