Hi Ken,

I think we are talking at cross purposes slightly.
wfavvid/system/scripts/defaults is indeed the disk location of the system
scripts repository and wfavvid/user/scripts/defaults [or similar] is the
disk location created when you first upload to the user repository.  I am
definately not advocating directly copying anything to the filesystem
There are two ways to upload a script into the repository, 1) by saving to
disk and then uploading from the webpage  2) by using the repository link
in the left hand pane when saving from the editor.  Option 2 is
functionally equivilent to 1 but quicker. And I can confirm that reactive
debugging works in this scenario (although you do need to refresh the
application that uses the script I think).

But never modify the system scripts, take a copy and save back as a user

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Ken Wyan <kew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kevin
> I believe we should never save scripts (from CCXEditor)  to
> wfavvid/system/scripts/defaults folder (which you call script repository &
> where default scripts are located)
> We can copy a default script , modify & save in a different location using
> ScriptEditor. Now use UCCX GUI to upload it.
> If you manually upload to script repository , reactive debugging option is
> not available & some TAC Engineers also told me not to do it.
> Somehow , your method may be the only expected answer for CCIE Lab.
> Because I didn't get marks for UCCX section eventhough everything worked
> well.
> Ken
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Kevin Spicer <ke...@kevinspicer.co.uk>wrote:
>> Well, make sure you know by heart how to write a short script to record a
>> prompt.  And know your way around the default scripts as they may ask you
>> to modify one of them.
>> The other thing I've noticed is that you can't initially upload scripts
>> direct to the repository, but once you've _attempted_ to upload any file to
>> 'scripts' the folder structure is created, and you have full access from
>> the editor.  I tend to attempt to upload any old file from my desktop, it
>> fails but creates the folders and gives me direct repository access from
>> Editor after that.
>> On 25 Apr 2012 14:40, "Alex K" <negodiay...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Guys,
>>> Anybody can recommend UCCX script scenarious to practice for the Lab?
>>> Thanks
>>> Alex
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 13:36:28 +0530
>>> From: kew...@gmail.com
>>> To: ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com
>>> Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] UCCX Scripts End Step
>>> Sometimes , our scripts send calls to an agent at the middle of the
>>> script.
>>> In that case should we include an "End" step right below call-contact
>>> step ?
>>> Is it recommended / not recommended to have multiple End steps in a
>>> single script?
>>> Thanks
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>>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training,
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>>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
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>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
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>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
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