Ranting about it won't change anything.  I read on line that when they
retire your CCIE, you can still renew by passing a CCIE level written or
lab.  If this is true then you do not loose your CCIE just the voice tag.

That seems to be a difficult pill to swallow but it would not be the first
from my reading.  Storage had this happen earlier this year as have several
others.  See here with the snippet.  Now the second is a wiki so we would
want official confirmation.


Retired CCIE tracks

Some previously awarded CCIE specializations have been retired by Cisco.
These are:

   - WAN Switching CCIE (Essentially a specialisation focusing on the
   IGX/BPX switch products, which had been acquired as part of the
   - ISP Dial CCIE
   - SNA/IP Integration CCIE (aka CCIE Blue)
   - Design CCIE (NOTE: The CCIE Design and CCDE are completely different
   design tests in format and subjects examined)

People who hold these now-retired certifications can remain CCIEs, provided
they continue to take recertification exams. They now hold the title
"CCIE", rather than CCIE Security, or some other specialization.
So if we can get official confirmation that we won't be stripped of CCIE if
you pass the voice lab, it might be good, for those of us that have already
passed we don't get a chance to change our minds for those that have yet to
pass, this might be incentive to change your goal.


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:29 AM, m george <m.george00...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Vik,
>  A 2nd grader can pass RS/Sec/SP much much easier than Voice IE. Voice is
> still the toughest one & i know some double IE's who couldn't pass Voice.
> If Cisco has lost faith in re-cert, that should apply to every track, not
> just Voice.
>  Naturally, they should have renamed Certification to Voice/Collaboration
> or Voice/Video etc & introduced new version. If they had to do this
> retiring thing, why didn't they do when they introduced V3 from V2 ? Old
> days of Call Manager based on Windows & literally everything based on
> windows, Analog endpoints/VGs/ATAs etc. Retiring CCIE Voice makes no sense
> whatsoever whether be it from marketing point of view or any other.  Why
> can't big buck makers at Cisco just rename a Cert rather than do something
> completely rubbish.
>  With just one announcement, they have made many people lose faith in
> Certification process. I am sure Voice labs will be the most deserted labs
> until Feb 2014.
>  At the end of day, we can only request Cisco to "re-consider" this
> decision. I hope folks concerned "collaborate" &  put their suggestions
> forward on Cisco Support Community & direct to Cisco Certification teams so
> they "realize" what they are doing is NOT right.
>  I will take some months for us to digest this news.
> Thanks
> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Vik Malhi <vma...@ipexpert.com> wrote:
>> As I said before - I would think product marketing had something to say
>> about this. Just my opinion. Why for the last 4 years has there been a lack
>> of Microsoft products in the exam? Are Microsoft are not relevant or it
>> Marketing bullying the content team?
>> At the same time there are many folks out there with a voice IE who can't
>> spell SIP. So what do you do about those folks?
>> Historically Cisco have trusted their recertification process as a valid
>> check and balance.
>> It looks like they have lost a bit of faith in the written exams as a
>> valid means to recertification- and that is no surprise to any of us as we
>> all know a 2nd grader could pass one of those exams (and I don't condone
>> the means through which that is possible).
>> When the dust has settled I will be advising all existing voice IE's two
>> things: look at this as an extra challenge that will reap extra reward and
>> secondly - diversify. Collaboration expertise in the very literal sense
>> cannot be confined to a monolithic single vendor application time test that
>> is going to occur . I would have thought a true collaboration expert would
>> (if not now, never) be encouraged to seek skills and experience from a
>> wider spectrum of vendors.
>> Rant over.
>> On May 28, 2013, at 20:14, Hesham Abdelkereem <heshamcentr...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Yes its really frustrating what Cisco is doing to us.
>> Ok let me tell you this.
>> People now have invested a lot of money in pursuing their CCIE Voice that
>> includes (Verious Workbook fees , Rack Rentals , Home Lab building , travel
>> expenses and Lab fees attempts for whatever times)
>> So when people achieve CCIE Voice nowadays a year or two later it would
>> be considered old and grandfathered.
>> Also , Cisco has released a new lab for 2 months while they are planning
>> to abolish the whole syllabus.
>> Why they do that to us???? They already make money out of everything
>> especially lab multiple times of lab attempts per each person.
>> CCIE Voice achievers has to send cisco request for Migration without Lab
>> test.
>> CCVP it was automatically migrated to CCNP Voice without any additional
>> tests.
>> CCNA is migrated to CCNA R/S without any additional tests.
>> In case of Video part then I suggest whether they force CCIE Voice people
>> to make CCNA VIDEO or CCNP Video if they will release or they make just a
>> migration lab track that includes VIDEO stuff only for a cheaper fee
>> something like $500.
>> Thats same for MICROSOFT they abolished MCSE to change it to MCITP people
>> usually just add 2 tracks to become full MCITP same when they migrate to
>> new MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Experts) there is only an upgrade
>> track rather than taking the whole 5 tracks again.
>> Cisco obviously has to do something like that.It's really unfair retiring
>> the whole cisco voice totally.
>> Guys to make the new Collaboration lab that would cost anyone over 50K to
>> buy telepresence , X9XX routers stuff , 9971 Video Phones , TV's and etc..
>> Even the rack rentals would be 5 times the old voice track as the
>> equipment would be way more expensive.
>> Seriously , We have to agree all of us from multiple different voice
>> study group to have a migration track to Collaboration please share your
>> thoughts guys
>> On 28 May 2013 18:56, Mark Holloway <m...@markholloway.com> wrote:
>>> Bummer, I was really hoping CCIE Voice candidates would transition to
>>> Collaboration without any additional lab exams.
>>> On May 28, 2013, at 7:08 PM, Vik Malhi <vma...@ipexpert.com> wrote:
>>> > For my initial reaction read here:
>>> >
>>> > http://bit.ly/12MNK5t
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Vik Malhi – CCIE #13890
>>> > Managing Partner - IPexpert, Inc.
>>> >
>>> > Telephone: +1.810.326.1444 ext 420
>>> > Fax: +1.810.454.0130
>>> > Mailto: vma...@ipexpert.com
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training,
>>> please visit www.ipexpert.com
>>> >
>>> > Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training,
>>> please visit www.ipexpert.com
>>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
>> visit www.ipexpert.com
>> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
>> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
> _______________________________________________
> For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please
> visit www.ipexpert.com
> Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out
> www.PlatinumPlacement.com
For more information regarding industry leading CCIE Lab training, please visit 

Are you a CCNP or CCIE and looking for a job? Check out 

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