Oh dear - Did you somehow leave off the application of the SCALE between Fo and Fc in SFALL?
See the GUI
First instruction
Append FC and PHIC to FP .. - then Scale input FP to Fcalc

You have to turn on that radio button..

One common use of this task is to add FC PHIC to several sets of data and then do difference maps between FPH and FP to find heavy atom sites..

Hence the button

But a better default would be to apply scale automatically if only FP SIGFP FreeRflag are to be output.
Will amend the GUI to do that..

Harry M. Greenblatt wrote:


Dear All,

   I addressed this issue to "management" but got no reply.

I wanted to make a map from a published structure, so I downloaded the structure factors and the coordinates, and used the import facility to go from mmcif to mtz. Then I ran sfall to generate fcalc and phicalc from the coordinates. Then fft to make a 2fo-fc map. Looking at the map in PyMOL and then in coot and contouring at 1.5sigma, it was obvious that something had gone wrong. While looking in coot, and pondering what could be wrong, I was idly scrolling the mouse wheel, which changed the contour. When I got close to zero, the map suddenly started looking better. Checking the fft output confirmed my suspicions: the map, instead of going from -0.6 to +1.6, went from -1.6 to +0.6. Contouring at -1.5sigma gave what one would expect from a 2fo-fc map. So I guess the map that was calculated was Fc - 2Fo. I checked the fft output again and confirmed that FP was F1, whose multiplier, n, was +2.0 and that Fcalc was F2, whose multiplier, m, was +1.0 and that I had asked for a nF1 - mF2 map.

Perhaps I did something wrong?  Perhaps this is a bug in fft?




Harry M. Greenblatt

Staff Scientist

Dept of Structural Biology [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625

Rehovot, 76100                       Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159


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