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Or scaling? I normally run rstats between sfall and fft,
though this may not be necessary if the sfall option to
scale fcalc to fobs (or vv) is used).

If Fc is on absolute scale, but Fobs 1/10, 2Fo-Fc would
look like -Fc.

Tim Gruene wrote:
Perhaps it is just a wrongly labelled cif-file. Did you check with other
cif-files from the PDB?

On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Harry M. Greenblatt wrote:
I wanted to make a map from a published structure, so I downloaded
the structure factors and the coordinates, and used the import
facility to go from mmcif to mtz.  Then I ran sfall to generate fcalc
and phicalc from the coordinates.  Then fft to make a 2fo-fc map.
Looking at the map in PyMOL and then in coot and contouring at
1.5sigma, it was obvious that something had gone wrong.  While
looking in coot, and pondering what could be wrong, I was idly
scrolling the mouse wheel, which changed the contour.  When I got
close to zero, the map suddenly started looking better.  Checking the
fft output confirmed my suspicions:  the map, instead of going from
-0.6 to +1.6, went from -1.6 to +0.6.  Contouring at -1.5sigma gave
what one would expect from a 2fo-fc map.  So I guess the map that was
calculated was Fc - 2Fo.
     I checked the fft output again and confirmed that FP was F1,
whose multiplier, n, was +2.0 and that Fcalc was F2, whose
multiplier, m,  was +1.0 and that I had asked for a  nF1 - mF2 map.

Perhaps I did something wrong?  Perhaps this is a bug in fft?


Harry M. Greenblatt
Staff Scientist
Dept of Structural Biology           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625
Rehovot, 76100                       Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159

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