Hello all,

I started to write a response to this thread yesterday. I thought the title was 
great even the content of Eleanor's email was very helpful. What I didn't like 
was the indictment in the next to last paragraph. This has been followed up 
with the word fabrication by others. No one knows definitively if this was 
fabricated. You have your suspicions, but you don't "know." Fabrication 
suggests malicious wrong-doing. I actually don't think this was the case. I'm 
probably a bit biased because the work comes from an office down the hall from 
my own. I'd like to think that if the structure is wrong that it could be 
chalked up to inexperience rather than malice. To me, this scenario of 
inexperience seems like one that could become more and more prevalent as our 
field opens up to more and more scientists doing structural work who are not 
dedicated crystallographers.

Having said that, I think Eleanor started an extremely useful thread as a way 
of avoiding the pitfalls of crystallography whether you are a novice or an 
expert. There's no question that this board is the best way to advance one's 
knowledge of crystallography. I actually gave a homework assignment that was 
simply to sign up for the ccp4bb. 

In reference to the previously mentioned work, I'd also like to hear discussion 
concurring or not the response letter some of which seems plausible to me.

I hope I don't ruffle anyones feathers by my email, but I just thought that it 
should be said.


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Randy J. Read
Sent: Thu 8/16/2007 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] The importance of USING our validation tools
On Aug 16 2007, Eleanor Dodson wrote:

>The weighting in REFMAC is a function of SigmA ( plotted in log file).
>For this example it will be nearly 1 for all resolutions ranges so the 
>weights are pretty constant. There is also a contribution from the 
>"experimental" sigma, which in this case seems to be proportional to |F|

Originally I expected that the publication of our Brief Communication in 
Nature would stimulate a lot of discussion on the bulletin board, but 
clearly it hasn't. One reason is probably that we couldn't be as forthright 
as we wished to be. For its own good reasons, Nature did not allow us to 
use the word "fabricated". Nor were we allowed to discuss other structures 
from the same group, if they weren't published in Nature.

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