If your protein is autolyzing, you may need to crystallize it in the presence of an inhibitor. In the case of trypsin, I have crystallized in the presence of benzamidine, then removed the inhibitor by dialysis after crystallization.


Ngo Duc Tri wrote:
Dear CCP4 experts,
I'm working on a kind of cystein peptidase. It shows a little degradation after 2 days storing at 4 degree even I tried many kinds of protease inhibitors, or glycerol and DTT. So I decided to work fast (1 day) then set xtal. After one week I pick up some condition and check degradation by SDS-PAGE. It shows heavy degradation then I think it's impossible to obtain the crystal if I don't find out how to stop the degradation first.

Do you have any idea about my situation? Is it true that I need to stop the degradation and how to deal with it?
Thank you for your advices,

My best regards,

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