On Thu, 2009-10-22 at 11:19 -0400, Yuan Cheng wrote:
> datasets in scalepack.I am wondering whether there is any way to reindex 
> these two datasets to make their a/b dimensions match. Any suggestion 
> will be highly appreciated.

Oh yeah, there is.  It's on page 102 of the HKL manual (Scenario 5:

Of course, if you are using HKL2000, you'd be confused regarding how to
apply this "scenario".  There is macro tab, of course, but I am not
certain on how to make sure that the hkl matrix statement will be
applied only to one of the sets.  So the easiest way is to use the
script from page 106 (of course, your space group is p21 and the hkl
matrix should be "0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0").

As I understand, another way is to trick denzo into choosing particular
set of parameters.  Something like reference zone in the index tab may
give you a set of choices.  If that works, you may be able to stay
inside HKL2000 (it's not that you must, command line is much more




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