I've already got the answer from Warren DeLano. It is easy indeed.
You just create a set of scenes with different objects and then add them (append) to the list using the Scene menu. Then you chose a proper scene at each point of the time line...

On Oct 22, 2009, at 9:57 AM, aaleshin wrote:

Sorry for the off-topic question.

I am trying to make a complex animation using new movie-making
features of MacPymol 1.2. The video tutorials that are available to
"power users"  explain how to use the timeline, however, they do not
tell how to switch objects during the animation. Is it possible when
using the timeline?

I know plugins emovie and slerpy allow to switch/fadeout objects, but
they do not move them relative to each other that is so easy to do in
the new Pymol.


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