b) very large Rmerge values:

      Rmerge  Rwork  Rfree  Rfree-Rwork Resolution
      0.9990 0.1815 0.2086    0.0271     1.80<<<  SG center, unpublished
      0.8700 0.1708 0.2270    0.0562     1.96<<<  unpublished
      0.7700 0.1870 0.2297    0.0428     1.56
      0.7600 0.2380 0.2680    0.0300     2.50<<<  SG center, unpublished
      0.7000 0.1700 0.2253    0.0553     1.71
      0.6400 0.2179 0.2715    0.0536     2.75<<<  SG center, unpublished

The most disturbing to me is that of those with very large overall
Rmerge values, 3 come from structural genomics centers.

Is that less or more disturbing than that the other 50% come from not-SG centers?

Of course, the authors themselves may be willing to help correct the obvious typos -- which will presumably disappear forever once we can finally upload log files upon deposition (coming soon, I'm told).

On an unrelated note, it's reassuring to see sound statistical principles -- averages, large N, avoidance of small number-anecdotes, and such rot -- continue not to be abandoned in the politics of science funding, he said airily.


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