"I'm downloading ubuntu - is that a good choice?  Can I run different
flavors of linux with nfs and share drives in a local network (so one
has fc7, one has fc13, and another has ubuntu)?"

Replied too fast and didn't finish your message. I have Ubuntu and
most of other machines in NFS are running Redhat. So it shouldn't be a


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:16 AM, David Roberts <drobe...@depauw.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Quick question on linux varieties.  For years (and years) I have used fedora
> (after Ultrix of course).  In fact, most of my computers are running FC7
> (that long ago), it's very stable and works fine.  However, since it is no
> longer supported, I'm toying with upgrading.
> I upgraded one machine to FC13.  However, this nouveau driver thing is
> killing me, and getting my nvidia drivers installed is hopeless (I have
> followed every thread on this and I simply give up - it's not worth it).
>  With a Zalman monitor it doesn't matter - nouveau works fine and my stereo
> is good - so I don't really care (or do I).
> The question is this - what flavors of linux out there are simplest to
> install - work instantly with various hardwares, and run stereo seamlessly
> (either Zalman stereo or hardware stereo with an emitter).  For zalman
> anything works - which is why I'm going that way - but I still need hardware
> stereo on a few machines.  So, for hardware, I need my nvidia drivers to
> install easily.
> I'm downloading ubuntu - is that a good choice?  Can I run different flavors
> of linux with nfs and share drives in a local network (so one has fc7, one
> has fc13, and another has ubuntu)?
> Thanks
> Dave

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