Dear ccp4 members

I have question about how to interpret polarrfn log. I wish to know if my 
crystal display NCS. I am not sure how to interpret the file. I see it have two 
peak, one is origin and the other is not that high to me. I have attach copy of 
the file. If someone could assist me to understand the file it would be 

#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 2.0.5
#CCP4I SCRIPT LOG polarrfn
#CCP4I DATE 02 Jun 2011  08:39:42
#CCP4I USER sylvia
#CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/sylvia
#CCP4I PID 3351

<html> <!-- CCP4 HTML LOGFILE -->
 ### CCP4 6.1: POLARRFN                 version 6.1 : 15/01/07##
 User: unknown  Run date:  2/ 6/2011 Run time: 08:39:42 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 "The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

 Data line--- title srf
 Data line--- SELF
 Data line--- CRYSTAL FILE 1
 Data line--- LABIN FILE 1    F=F SIGF=SIGF
 Data line--- PLOT
 Data line--- FIND     10.0     10
 Data line--- NOPRINT
 Data line--- END
  Using            1  files

 Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename: 

 * Title:


 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 H74A
             82.1987   41.5416   66.7048   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

 * Number of Columns = 8

 * Number of Reflections = 20319

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * HISTORY for current MTZ file :

 From FREERFLAG 15/11/2010 08:08:22 with fraction 0.050                         
 data from CAD on 15/11/10                                                      

 * Column Labels :

 H K L FreeR_flag F SIGF I SIGI

 * Column Types :

 H H H I F Q J Q

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   82.1987   41.5416   66.7048   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00037    0.29382     (     51.796 -      1.845 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     0     0

 * Space group = 'P212121' (number     19)

 Data line--- LABIN  F=F SIGF=SIGF

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: 

                    Polar angle rotation function:  Self-rotation function

 Title:  srf                                                                    

 Integration radius =     20.00A    Resolution limits     51.80     2.00

 Radius for averaging (smoothing)      1.400

 Crystal  1: orthogonalisation code (NCODE) = 1   x y z axes along a,c*xa,c*    

 Space group   19 (P212121),   4 symmetry operations

 Temperature factor =     0.000
     Fmin =        0.    Fmax =    1.0000E+20

 Cell dimensions:    82.20   41.54   66.70   90.00   90.00   90.00

Ranges & steps in phi   =       0.00  180.00    2.00
Ranges & steps in omega =       0.00  180.00    2.00
Ranges & steps in kappa =       0.00  180.00    2.00

 Sections will be searched for a maximum of    10 peaks above a threshold of    

NMAX(L)  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12  11  11  10   9   8   8   7   6   6   5 
  4   4
          3   3   2   2   1   1   1

UNFORMATTED    SCRATCH file opened on unit   8
Logical name: COEFFS1, Filename: /tmp/sylvia/polarrfn_CF1.03352

 Crystal number :     1
 Basis set (orthogonalisation matrix) :  82.19870   0.00005   0.00008
                                          0.00000  41.54160   0.00008
                                          0.00000   0.00000  66.70480

 Symmetry operation   1:    1   0   0
                            0   1   0
                            0   0   1

 Symmetry operation   2:    1   0   0
                            0  -1   0
                            0   0  -1

 Symmetry operation   3:   -1   0   0
                            0   1   0
                            0   0  -1

 Symmetry operation   4:   -1   0   0
                            0  -1   0
                            0   0   1

  Crystal   1           15973 reflections read             0 reflections too 

  Numbers of reflections in ranges of sin**2 theta / lambda**2

      1        575
      2        964
      3       1220
      4       1423
      5       1619
      6       1749
      7       1929
      8       2052
      9       2164
     10       2278

Printed norms should be exactly 1:
  Omega          L    M   Norm (min)          L    M   Norm (max)

   0.00          0    0   1.000000E+00        0    0   1.000000E+00
   2.00         36    1   1.000000E+00       54   13   1.000000E+00
   4.00         54    1   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
   6.00         54   52   1.000000E+00       52    0   1.000000E+00
   8.00         36   19   1.000000E+00       54    0   1.000000E+00
  10.00         32   23   1.000000E+00       52    0   1.000000E+00
  12.00         32   25   1.000000E+00       52   10   1.000000E+00
  14.00         54    1   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
  16.00         32    1   1.000000E+00       52    0   1.000000E+00
  18.00         34    1   1.000000E+00       54    5   1.000000E+00
  20.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
  22.00         54    1   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
  24.00         38    1   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
  26.00         38    1   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
  28.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  30.00         48    0   1.000000E+00       52   42   1.000000E+00
  32.00         44    4   1.000000E+00       52   42   1.000000E+00
  34.00         34   21   1.000000E+00       52    0   1.000000E+00
  36.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
  38.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   10   1.000000E+00
  40.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   10   1.000000E+00
  42.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  44.00         46    9   1.000000E+00       52   42   1.000000E+00
  46.00         46    7   1.000000E+00       52   42   1.000000E+00
  48.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
  50.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  52.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  54.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  56.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
  58.00         36   36   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  60.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   21   1.000000E+00
  62.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   50   1.000000E+00
  64.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  66.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
  68.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   52   1.000000E+00
  70.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  72.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   10   1.000000E+00
  74.00         36   21   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
  76.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  78.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  80.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  82.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  84.00         36   21   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  86.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   21   1.000000E+00
  88.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  90.00         10    0   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  92.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  94.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
  96.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
  98.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
 100.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 102.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 104.00         36   21   1.000000E+00       52   21   1.000000E+00
 106.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 108.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   52   1.000000E+00
 110.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
 112.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   52   1.000000E+00
 114.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
 116.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 118.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   50   1.000000E+00
 120.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   51   1.000000E+00
 122.00         34   34   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 124.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   21   1.000000E+00
 126.00         44   11   1.000000E+00       52   51   1.000000E+00
 128.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 130.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   52   1.000000E+00
 132.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 134.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   52   1.000000E+00
 136.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 138.00         46    9   1.000000E+00       52   43   1.000000E+00
 140.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
 142.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 144.00         34   23   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
 146.00         36    3   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 148.00         22    1   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
 150.00         46    9   1.000000E+00       52   43   1.000000E+00
 152.00         34   23   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
 154.00         32   25   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 156.00         38    1   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
 158.00         22   17   1.000000E+00       52   11   1.000000E+00
 160.00         34   23   1.000000E+00       54    9   1.000000E+00
 162.00         32   23   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
 164.00         32    1   1.000000E+00       54    5   1.000000E+00
 166.00         54    1   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
 168.00         54    1   1.000000E+00       52   23   1.000000E+00
 170.00         48    0   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
 172.00         48    0   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
 174.00         46    3   1.000000E+00       52   35   1.000000E+00
 176.00         38    1   1.000000E+00       54    2   1.000000E+00
 178.00         34    3   1.000000E+00       54    2   1.000000E+00
 180.00          0    0   1.000000E+00        0    0   1.000000E+00

 Maximum R =      0.4621E+05

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 Unpermuted symmetry operations for crystal   1: 

                     Symmetry matrix    1        1.00000   0.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000   1.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000   0.00000   1.00000    

                     Symmetry matrix    2        1.00000   0.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000  -1.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000   0.00000  -1.00000    

                     Symmetry matrix    3       -1.00000   0.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000   1.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000   0.00000  -1.00000    

                     Symmetry matrix    4       -1.00000   0.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000  -1.00000   0.00000    
                                                 0.00000   0.00000   1.00000    

     Positions of   10 peaks above     10.

                         Eulerian angles                        Polar angles

                      Alpha   Beta   Gamma      Peak       Omega    Phi  Kappa  
        Direction cosines
 Symmetry: 1   2

  Peak    1
  Origin peak                                  100.0         0.0    0.0    0.0

  Peak    2
           1   1        0.0    0.0  180.0      100.0         0.0    0.0    3.1  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           1   2        0.0  180.0    0.0      100.0        90.0   90.0    3.1  
      0.0000  1.0000  0.0000
           1   3        0.0  180.0  180.0      100.0        90.0    0.0    3.1  
      1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
  Origin peak                                  100.0         0.0    0.0  180.0

  Peak    3
           1   1        0.0    0.0  180.0      100.0         0.0    0.0    3.1  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           1   2        0.0  180.0    0.0      100.0        90.0   90.0    3.1  
      0.0000  1.0000  0.0000
           1   3        0.0  180.0  180.0      100.0        90.0    0.0    3.1  
      1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
  Origin peak                                  100.0       180.0    0.0  180.0

  Peak    4
           1   1        0.0  180.0    0.0      100.0        90.0   90.0    3.1  
      0.0000  1.0000  0.0000
           1   2        0.0    0.0  180.0      100.0         0.0    0.0    3.1  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
  Origin peak                                  100.0        90.0   90.0  180.0

  Peak    5
           1   1        0.0  180.0  180.0      100.0        90.0    0.0    3.1  
      1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
  Origin peak                                  100.0        90.0  180.0  180.0

  Peak    6
           1   1        0.0  180.0  180.0      100.0        90.0    0.0    3.1  
      1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
  Origin peak                                  100.0        90.0    0.0  180.0

  Peak    7
           1   1        0.0    0.0  285.3       29.5       180.0  180.0   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           1   2        0.0  180.0  254.7       29.5        90.0  142.7  180.0  
     -0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           1   3        0.0  180.0   74.7       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6063 -0.7952  0.0000
           1   4        0.0    0.0  105.3       29.5         0.0   61.4  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           2   1        0.0  180.0  105.3       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           2   2        0.0    0.0   74.7       29.5         0.0   39.5   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           2   3        0.0    0.0  254.7       29.5       180.0  184.4  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           2   4        0.0  180.0  285.3       29.5        90.0  127.3  180.0  
     -0.6063  0.7952  0.0000
           3   1        0.0  180.0  285.3       29.5        90.0  307.3  180.0  
      0.6063 -0.7952  0.0000
           3   2        0.0    0.0  254.7       29.5       180.0  170.7  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           3   3        0.0    0.0   74.7       29.5         0.0  124.5   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           3   4        0.0  180.0  105.3       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           4   1        0.0    0.0  105.3       29.5         0.0  136.6  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           4   2        0.0  180.0   74.7       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6063 -0.7952  0.0000
           4   3        0.0  180.0  254.7       29.5        90.0  322.7  180.0  
      0.7952 -0.6063  0.0000
           4   4        0.0    0.0  285.3       29.5       180.0  188.0   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000

  Peak    8
           1   1        0.0    0.0   74.7       29.5         0.0    0.0   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           1   2        0.0  180.0  105.3       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           1   3        0.0  180.0  285.3       29.5        90.0  127.3  180.0  
     -0.6063  0.7952  0.0000
           1   4        0.0    0.0  254.7       29.5       180.0  209.6  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           2   1        0.0  180.0  254.7       29.5        90.0  142.7  180.0  
     -0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           2   2        0.0    0.0  285.3       29.5       180.0  142.6   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           2   3        0.0    0.0  105.3       29.5         0.0   97.7  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           2   4        0.0  180.0   74.7       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6063 -0.7952  0.0000
           3   1        0.0  180.0   74.7       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6063 -0.7952  0.0000
           3   2        0.0    0.0  105.3       29.5         0.0   97.6  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           3   3        0.0    0.0  285.3       29.5       180.0  232.6   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           3   4        0.0  180.0  254.7       29.5        90.0  142.7  180.0  
     -0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           4   1        0.0    0.0  254.7       29.5       180.0  135.1  105.3  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           4   2        0.0  180.0  285.3       29.5        90.0  307.3  180.0  
      0.6063 -0.7952  0.0000
           4   3        0.0  180.0  105.3       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7952  0.6063  0.0000
           4   4        0.0    0.0   74.7       29.5         0.0   82.4   74.7  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000

  Peak    9
           1   1        0.0    0.0  254.6       29.5       180.0  180.0  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           1   2        0.0  180.0  285.4       29.5        90.0  127.3  180.0  
     -0.6059  0.7956  0.0000
           1   3        0.0  180.0  105.4       29.5        90.0  217.3  180.0  
     -0.7956 -0.6059  0.0000
           1   4        0.0    0.0   74.6       29.5         0.0   32.9   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           2   1        0.0  180.0   74.6       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6059 -0.7956  0.0000
           2   2        0.0    0.0  105.4       29.5         0.0   54.9  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           2   3        0.0    0.0  285.4       29.5       180.0  347.2   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           2   4        0.0  180.0  254.6       29.5        90.0  142.7  180.0  
     -0.7956  0.6059  0.0000
           3   1        0.0  180.0  254.6       29.5        90.0  322.7  180.0  
      0.7956 -0.6059  0.0000
           3   2        0.0    0.0  285.4       29.5       180.0  184.9   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           3   3        0.0    0.0  105.4       29.5         0.0  141.0  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           3   4        0.0  180.0   74.6       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6059 -0.7956  0.0000
           4   1        0.0    0.0   74.6       29.5         0.0  137.9   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           4   2        0.0  180.0  105.4       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7956  0.6059  0.0000
           4   3        0.0  180.0  285.4       29.5        90.0  127.3  180.0  
     -0.6059  0.7956  0.0000
           4   4        0.0    0.0  254.6       29.5       180.0  172.0  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000

  Peak   10
           1   1        0.0    0.0  105.4       29.5         0.0  180.0  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           1   2        0.0  180.0   74.6       29.5        90.0   52.7  180.0  
      0.6059  0.7956  0.0000
           1   3        0.0  180.0  254.6       29.5        90.0  142.7  180.0  
     -0.7956  0.6059  0.0000
           1   4        0.0    0.0  285.4       29.5       180.0  240.4   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           2   1        0.0  180.0  285.4       29.5        90.0  307.3  180.0  
      0.6059 -0.7956  0.0000
           2   2        0.0    0.0  254.6       29.5       180.0  127.3  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           2   3        0.0    0.0   74.6       29.5         0.0   82.3   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           2   4        0.0  180.0  105.4       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7956  0.6059  0.0000
           3   1        0.0  180.0  105.4       29.5        90.0   37.3  180.0  
      0.7956  0.6059  0.0000
           3   2        0.0    0.0   74.6       29.5         0.0  262.3   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
           3   3        0.0    0.0  254.6       29.5       180.0  217.3  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           3   4        0.0  180.0  285.4       29.5        90.0  127.3  180.0  
     -0.6059  0.7956  0.0000
           4   1        0.0    0.0  285.4       29.5       180.0  135.0   74.6  
      0.0000  0.0000 -1.0000
           4   2        0.0  180.0  254.6       29.5        90.0  322.7  180.0  
      0.7956 -0.6059  0.0000
           4   3        0.0  180.0   74.6       29.5        90.0  232.7  180.0  
     -0.6059 -0.7956  0.0000
           4   4        0.0    0.0  105.4       29.5         0.0   97.7  105.4  
      0.0000  0.0000  1.0000

 The rotation given by the angles of a peak rotates coordinates in the 
orthogonal frame
 of crystal 2 to the orthogonal frame of crystal 1.
 Beware of axis permutations introduced by NCODE = 2, 3 or 4

 Rotation matrices are defined as follows:

 ( l**2+(m**2+n**2)cos k     lm(1-cos k)-nsin k     nl(1-cos k)+msin k )
 ( lm(1-cos k)+nsin k      m**2+(l**2+n**2)cos k    mn(1-cos k)-lsin k )     
Polar angles
 ( nl(1-cos k)-msin k        mn(1-cos k)+lsin k   n*2+(l**2+m**2)cos k )

     where l m n are the direction cosines of the axis about which the rotation 
k = kappa takes place.

                               ( l )             ( sin omega   cos phi  )
                               ( m )     =       ( sin omega   sin phi  )
                               ( n )             (       cos omega      )

 ( cosa cosb cosg - sina sing      -cosa cosb sing - sina cosg      cosa sinb )
 ( sina cosb cosg + cosa sing      -sina cosb sing + cosa cosg      sina sinb ) 
    Eulerian angles Alpha, Beta, Gamma
 (         -sinb cosg                         sinb sing                cosb   )

 Weighted mean of map -0.003
 Weighted rms  7.297
 POLARRFN:   Normal Termination from POLARRFN
Times: User:      33.6s System:    0.1s Elapsed:     0:34  

#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 02 Jun 2011  08:40:16
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task completed successfully

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