On 06/03/2011 02:01 PM, Careina Edgooms wrote:
Dear ccp4 members

I have question about how to interpret polarrfn log. I wish to know if my
crystal display NCS. I am not sure how to interpret the file. I see it have two
peak, one is origin and the other is not that high to me. I have attach copy of
the file. If someone could assist me to understand the file it would be


Well - a peak of 29% of the origin is reasonably significant at 2A resolution.
This indicates a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis  in the a-b plane
( the multiple solutions are all symmetry equivalents..)
                                               omega  phi    kappa
 Peak 7 1   1  0.0    0.0  285.3    29.5      180.0  180.0   74.7
        1   2  0.0  180.0  254.7    29.5       90.0  142.7  180.0

How many molecules do you expect in the asymmetric unit.


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