Dear Phoebe,

As it happens, validation through the PDB is exactly what the X-ray Validation 
Task Force proposed (to be honest, it was a suggestion made by George Sheldrick 
the last time there was a debate like this on the CCP4-BB!), and the wwPDB is 
currently implementing the pipeline needed to automatically produce a good 
validation report.  A preliminary version of such a report is already available 
when you deposit a structure now, the IUCr journals already require this for 
papers describing structures, and there seems to be interest from some other 
journals.  In the meantime, if you're refereeing a paper from a journal that 
doesn't require the validation report to be submitted with the paper, you can 
always ask them to get it from the author.

Best wishes,


Randy J. Read
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research    Tel: +44 1223 336500
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building                         Fax: +44 1223 336827
Hills Road                                                            E-mail:
Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.                      

On 2 Apr 2012, at 20:01, Phoebe Rice wrote:

> That's very sad, but a good point.  I may be a bit naive because I haven't 
> had to worry mas uch about direct competition.  
> However, I do find it very frustrating as a reviewer to try to pass judgement 
> on a crystal structure based only on the standard table 1.  Sometimes I'm 
> tempted to write "based on the information presented, darned if I know!"
> Maybe 3rd-party validation through the pdb (with a report sent to the 
> reviewers) is more appropriate?  
> Phoebe
> =====================================
> Phoebe A. Rice
> Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
> The University of Chicago
> phone 773 834 1723
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 20:00:48 +0200
>> From: Maria Sola i Vilarrubias <>  
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] very informative - Trends in Data Fabrication  
>> To:
>> Cc:
>>  Dear Phoebe,
>>  I cannot imagine myself delivering maps and
>>  coordinates (after years of work... I insist: after
>>  years of work) to a  reviewer that could be, for
>>  whatever chance, my best competitor (even if I
>>  suggested to the editor not to include him/her as a
>>  reviewer... but decisions from editors are of all
>>  kind).
>>  I simply prefer not imagine this after two
>>  publications fuelled by clear, direct and strong
>>  competition. That was stressful enough, already. If
>>  I have to add to this stress the thought that my
>>  coordinates can go to the "wrong" hands, then I
>>  think I would just give up or, alternatively, send
>>  the work to a lower impact, fast-publishing journal
>>  and make my life easier while sending my scientific
>>  future to the low-impact bin, killing future
>>  opportunities.
>>  Competition is there. I see that data to be
>>  deposited is strictly confidential. I support the
>>  PDB to make the quality check work at the level you
>>  mention, but not a reviewer:  People are nice but
>>  the world is big and competition is crazy… at
>>  least enough to make fraud or copy other's work. The
>>  latter is less difficult; by copying ("simply copy
>>  and paste to my computer this nice structure that I
>>  was looking for!"), there is no need to invent
>>  anything.
>>  About a wrongly fit compound, the reviewer can ask
>>  images about the model in a map calculated at a
>>  specific sigma and in different orientations.
>>  Maria
>>  On 2 April 2012 18:43, Phoebe Rice
>>  <> wrote:
>>    Can we leverage this to push journals to routinely
>>    allow reviewers access coordinates and maps?
>>    Outright fraud is outrageous, but I'm actually
>>    more worried about ligands fit to marginal density
>>    and other issues of under-supervised model
>>    building.
>>    =====================================
>>    Phoebe A. Rice
>>    Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
>>    The University of Chicago
>>    phone 773 834 1723
>>    ---- Original message ----
>>> Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 08:41:02 -0700
>>> From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
>>    (on behalf of "Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat
>>    a.D.)" <>)
>>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] very informative - Trends
>>    in Data Fabrication
>>>   Robbie has restored the PDB_REDO of 3k78
>>>   It is at
>>>   and Louise Jones form the IUCr office has
>>    kindly
>>>   made the article open access.
>>>   BR
>>>   From: CCP4 bulletin board
>>>   [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
>>    Bernhard
>>>   Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.)
>>>   Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 06:06
>>>   Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] very informative -
>>    Trends in
>>>   Data Fabrication
>>>        >Hofkristallrat auA*er Dienst, is
>>    written as
>>>   Bernhard - unless you are referring to some
>>    other
>>>   guy with a french name Bernard.
>>>   As one may extrapolate given my recent paper,
>>    I have
>>>   been called names a lot worse....
>>>   A*  And the book indeed is a bible of
>>    xtallography.
>>>   Enough of this - it is becoming embarrassing.
>>    I wish
>>>   I had done a more careful job proofing, as
>>    over 500
>>>   errata attest to,
>>>   and we all are only seeing further because we
>>    are
>>>   standing on the shoulders of giants. So once
>>    again
>>>   thanks
>>>   to all the contributors I have pestered with
>>    my
>>>   questions on BB and then some, and to all
>>    those who
>>>   actually read BMC and
>>>   submitted errata.
>>>   Best regards, BR
>>    -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>   Bernhard Hieronimus Rupp, Hofkristallrat a.D.
>>>   001 (925) 209-7429
>>>   +43 (676) 571-0536
>>    ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>   Once the sun of science is standing low, even
>>    dwarfs
>>>   cast tall shadows
>>    ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  --
>>  Maria Solà
>>  Dep. Structural Biology
>>  Baldiri Reixach 10-12
>>  08028 BARCELONA
>>  Spain
>>  Tel: (+34) 93 403 4950
>>  Fax: (+34) 93 403 4979
>>  e-mail:

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