> I'm further racking my brain to figure out a biological implication of this 
> behaviour, I thought something like plaque formation but I can't find support 
> in literature.

There are a variety of domain swapped crystal structures out there, but at 
least the two I'm most familiar with are regarded as being crystallization 
artifacts. I think I recall seeing examples where domain swapping was 
biologically relevant, but my impression is most are red herrings. 

In the poster child of plaque formation, prion protein formed cys-cross linked 
domain swapped dimers in some crystals. 


However, using PAGE & DLS it was later shown that prion has no preference for 
dimers when you break down Infectious fibrils. Cross linked dimers definitely 
out. Any subunits ruled out, in fact. 


RNaseA is another example, and isn't even a disease associated molecule. 
Similarly to how we've found that many/most proteins may be converted to 
amyloid forms by harsh enough conditions, I think some will domain swap, and 
some authors have pursued domain swapping heavily with RNaseA a as a "model for 
amyloid formation". RNaseA will swap in major and minor conformations even, 
though not in the same crystal. Still, that's the first thing you need for an 
infinite series, is two compatible/simultaneous swapping points. 

Now, I do think domain swapping, particularly an infinite chain, can be 
interesting from a bioengineering or biophysical level, if that is what you are 
interested in. I just want to say that there is a high bar to showing 
biochemical relevance in the sense of holding any physiological implications. 

Alexander D. Scouras
Postdoctoral Fellow
Alber Lab, QB3
University of California, Berkeley

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