Reprocessing data to lower resolution only helps if there are ice rings or
other sources of non-desired diffraction that can be eliminated as
contributors to learned profiles in profile fitting. Strong ice
diffraction occurs at 2.28A and 2.68A, so there is no indication that
reprocessing data to lower resolution will change anything other than
overall R-merge and other R-statistics. To calculate these statistics it
is enough to re-merge the data with lower resolution.

Zbyszek Otwinowski

> Hi all,
> This is a basic question and I'm sure the answer is widely known, but
> I'm having trouble finding it.
> I'm working on my first structure.  I have a dataset that I processed
> in XDS with a resolution cutoff of 2.35 A, although the data are
> extremely weak-to-nonexistent at that resolution limit.  After
> successful molecular replacement and initial refinement, I then
> performed "paired refinements" against this dataset cut to various
> resolutions (2.95 A, 2.85 A, 2.75 A, etc).  Based on the improvement
> in R/Rfree seen between successive pairs, it appears that the data
> should be cut at around 2.55 A.
> Here is my question: as I proceed with refinement (I'm currently using
> Phenix), should I now simply set "2.55 A" as the resolution limit in
> Phenix?  Or should I go back to XDS and actually reprocess the data
> with the new limit (2.55 A instead of 2.35 A)?
> Thanks,
> Tom

Zbyszek Otwinowski
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-8816
Tel. 214-645-6385
Fax. 214-645-6353

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