Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your input.  I will consider processing and depositing
the data out to 2.35 A, but refining only against data up to 2.55 A.

Just to give a little more information, and make sure what I'm doing
is reasonable, I am attaching below the table of statistics vs.
resolution from XSCALE.LP.  These data were collected from two
separate crystals and then merged.  The detector edge is at around
2.65 A, which is why completeness drops dramatically after this
point---I set XDS to integrate spots out to the corners of the

I have also attached my results from paired refinement.  My protein
has two domains, and there is an NMR model of each of the separate
domains.  The spacegroup is triclinic.  The structure was initially
solved by molecular replacement using the NMR structures, which finds
4 NCS copies of my protein (so 8 individual domains placed) in the
asymmetric unit.  Initial refinement was carried using default
parameters in Phenix, but using 10 macrocycles, NCS restraints, and
Cartesian simulated annealing, against the data cut at 2.35 A.  AFTER
this initial round of refinement (which took R/Rfree from 0.445/0.455
to 0.266/0.305), I carried out the paired refinements as described.

Since I haven't done this before, if anyone sees anything obviously
wrong that I have done, I would appreciate your comments.


Attachment: Stats.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Paired Refinement.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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