Error estimates for the unit cell dimensions in macromolecular
crystallography belong to atypical category of uncertainty estimates.

Random error contribution in most cases is below 0.001A, so it can be
neglected. Wavelength calibration error can be also made very small;
however, I do not know how big it is in practice. Goniostat wobble error
is taken into account in Scalepack refinement. Crystal-to-detector
distance is not used in postrefinement/global refinement.

Due to the measurement error being very small, even small variations in
unit cell parameters can be detected within cryocooled crystals. These
variations almost always are _orders_of_magnitude_larger_ than measurement
uncertainty. Current practise is not to investigate the magnitude of the
changes in the unit cell parameters, but when beam smaller than crystal is
used, observing variations as large as 1A is not unusual.

The main question is: what the unit cell uncertainty means? For most
samples I could defend to use values: 0.001A, 0.01A, 0.1A and 1A as
reasonable, depending on particular point of view.

Without defining what the unit cell uncertainty means, publishing its
values is pointless.

Zbyszek Otwinowski

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Bernhard,
> A look at the  methods section might give you a clue. Neither XDS nor
> XSCALE create mmCIF - files (you are talking about mmCIF, not CIF -
> subtle, but annoying difference), so that the choice is limited. I
> guess some programmer (rather than a scientist ;-) )used a simple
> printf commmand for a double precision number so the junk is left over
> from the memory region or other noise common to conversions.
> XDS actually prints error estimates for the cell dimensions in
> CORRECT.LP which could be added to the mmCIF file - a cif (sic!) file,
> I believe, requires those, by the way and checkCIF would complain
> about their absence.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On 07/22/2014 01:01 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
>> I am just morbidly curious what program(s) deliver/mutilate/divine
>> these cell constants in recent cif files:
>> data_r4c69sf
>> #
>> _audit.revision_id     1_0
>> _audit.creation_date   ?
>> _audit.update_record   'Initial release'
>> #
>> _cell.entry_id      4c69
>> _cell.length_a      100.152000427
>> _cell.length_b      58.3689994812
>> _cell.length_c      66.5449981689
>> _cell.angle_alpha   90.0
>> _cell.angle_beta    99.2519989014
>> _cell.angle_gamma   90.0
>> #
>> Maybe a little plausibility check during cif generation  might be
>> ok
>> Best, BR
>> PS: btw, 10^-20 meters (10^5 time smaller than a proton) in fact
>> seriously challenges the Standard Model limits..
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - ------------
>> Bernhard Rupp
>> k.-k. Hofkristallamt
>> Crystallographiae Vindicis Militum Ordo
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> - --
> - --
> Dr Tim Gruene
> Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
> Tammannstr. 4
> D-37077 Goettingen
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Zbyszek Otwinowski
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-8816
Tel. 214-645-6385
Fax. 214-645-6353

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