May be not exactly what you want, but should be close:

phenix.secondary_structure_restraints 1yjp.pdb

then here you have options

- for output format:

format = *phenix phenix_refine phenix_bonds pymol pdb refmac kinemage

- for search  (annotation method):

search_method = *ksdssp mmtbx_dssp from_ca cablam
I suggest you please with them and see which one suits you most.


On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 1:18 PM, Xiao Lei <> wrote:

> Thanks Pavel,  is there a command that can tell secondary structure
> assignment based on Rama plot of each residue beside phi and psi? for
> example :
>  A   2  ASN:56.93:-60.58:141.19:Favored:General   alpha helix
>  A   3  ASN:48.44:-119.25:125.15:Favored:General  alpha helix
> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Pavel Afonine <> wrote:
>> Trivial using command line. Example:
>> - get a file from PDB:
>> phenix.fetch_pdb 1yjp
>> - get all phi/psi for all residues:
>> phenix.ramalyze 1yjp.pdb
>> residue:score%:phi:psi:evaluation:type
>>  A   2  ASN:56.93:-60.58:141.19:Favored:General
>>  A   3  ASN:48.44:-119.25:125.15:Favored:General
>>  A   4  GLN:16.23:-126.16:112.81:Favored:General
>>  A   5  GLN:55.13:-114.98:126.76:Favored:General
>>  A   6  ASN:6.17:-116.42:97.69:Favored:General
>> SUMMARY: 5 Favored, 0 Allowed, 0 Outlier out of 5 residues (altloc A
>> where applicable)
>> SUMMARY: 0.00% outliers (Goal: < 0.2%)
>> SUMMARY: 100.00% favored (Goal: > 98%)
>> Pavel
>> On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Nigel Moriarty <>
>> wrote:
>>> Alex
>>> It seems that nobody has answered your question. I'm not sure what you
>>> can do in CCP4, but if I understand your question correctly, you can
>>> perform a comprehensive validation in Phenix complete with Ramachandran
>>> plot including clickable points relating to your residues which allow you
>>> to see the residues in Coot.
>>> Happen to help further on the PHENIXBB or off-line.
>>> Cheers
>>> Nigel
>>> ---
>>> Nigel W. Moriarty
>>> Building 33R0349, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
>>> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
>>> Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
>>> Phone : 510-486-5709 <(510)%20486-5709>     Email :
>>> Fax   : 510-486-5909 <(510)%20486-5909>       Web  :
>>> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 8:39 PM, Alex Lee <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> Is there a tool or software which can give Ramachandran information of
>>>> individual residues in a plot?
>>>> I used Coot to check for Ramachandran plots, but it shows all the
>>>> residues in a coordinate I put in Coot, not individual one. I also use
>>>> "residue info" in coot, it tells Ramachandran "phi psi" angles of
>>>> individual residue, but it does not show it in a plot, only numbers.
>>>> Thanks ahead for any input.

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