This case is encouraging to me that a structure can be solved with such
high mosaicity (in your report is 1.9). I wonder how the diffraction looks
like (I imagine spots smearing or streak). With such high mosaicity, the
unit cell dimension and space group determination is highly likely not
accurate. I usually lose hope of a dataset with average mosaicity above 1.3
and I would not process any high mosaic data, but from your case it seems
2.6A cutoff you get a very nice solution.  It seems the  data processing
software (Imosflm or XDS) nowadays can handle with high mosaic data well.

On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Gianluca Santoni <
> wrote:

> In addition to what Nicolas has pointed out, is it quite suspicious to me
> that you have the same multiplicity in the high resolution shell as in the
> low resolution.
> On Mar 29, 2017 18:17, Nicolas FOOS <> wrote:
> Dear Juliana,
> all the statistics presented here looks good in terms of resolution cut
> (maybe I will be less sever). For me the point is about the mosaicity you
> report 1.90 it's high in my opinion. How looks you images? I am wondering
> if the indexation is really right. And maybe the complain of Xtriage about
> outlier is due to this high mosaicity. What is the diagnostic of Xtriage in
> terms of possible twinning? I am also wondering about a pseudo translation.
> Maybe try to re-processed your data in this direction.
> Hope to help.
> Nicolas
> Nicolas Foos
> PhD
> Structural Biology Group
> European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (E.S.R.F)
> 71, avenue des Martyrs
> CS 40220
> 38043 GRENOBLE Cedex 9+33 (0)6 76 88 14 87 <+33%206%2076%2088%2014%2087>+33 
> (0)4 76 88 45 19 <+33%204%2076%2088%2045%2019>
> On 29/03/2017 17:56, Mark J van Raaij wrote:
> To be really convinced I think you should also compare the maps at 2.6 and
> 2.3 Å. If the 2.3 Å map looks better, go for it. If it doesn’t look better,
> perhaps you are adding noise, but the I/sigma and CC1/2 values suggest you
> aren’t.
> Perhaps try 2.5 and 2.4 Å also.
> And perhaps remove a well-ordered aa from the input model, refine at
> different resolutions and compare the difference maps for that aa. Or
> calculate omit maps at different resolutions and compare those.
> Mark J van Raaij
> Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas
> Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC
> calle Darwin 3
> E-28049 Madrid, Spain
> tel. (+34) 91 585 4616 <+34%20915%2085%2046%2016>
> On 29 Mar 2017, at 17:44, Phil Evans <> wrote:
> It is not clear to me why you believe that cutting the resolution of the
> data would improve your model (which after all is the aim of refinement).
> At the edge CC(1/2) and I/sigI are perfectly respectable, and there doesn’t
> seem to be anything wrong with the Wilson plot. Th R-factor will of course
> be higher if you include more weak data, but minimising R is _not_ the aim
> of refinement. You should keep all the data
> I don’t know what xtriage means by “large number of outliers”: perhaps
> someone else can explain
> Phil
> On 29 Mar 2017, at 14:54, Juliana Ferreira de Oliveira <
>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have one dataset at 2.3 Å (probably it can be better, I/σ = 2.1 and
> CC1/2 = 0.779, the summary data is below), but when I perform Xtriage
> analysis it says that “There are a large number of outliers in the data”.
> The space group is P212121. When I refine the MR solution the Rfree stops
> around 30% and it doesn´t decrease (in fact if I continue refining it
> starts to increase).
> The Wilson plot graph is not fitting very well between 2.3 and 2.6 Å:
> <image001.jpg>
> So I decided to cut the data at 2.6A and Xtriage analysis doesn’t notify
> about outliers anymore. I could refine the MR solution very well, the final
> Rwork is 0.2427 and Rfree = 0.2730 and validation on Phenix results in a
> good structure.
> I run Zanuda to confirm the space group and it says that the space group
> assignment seems to be correct.
> Do you think that I can improve my structure and solve it at 2.3 Å or
> better? Or I can finish it with 2.6 Å? To publish at 2.6 Å I need to
> justify the resolution cut, right? What should I say?
> Thank you for your help!
> Regards,
> Juliana
> Summary data:
> Overall            InnerShell      OuterShell
> Low resolution limit                          51.51              51.51
>               2.42
> High resolution limit                          2.30                 7.27
>                2.30
> Rmerge                                               0.147
>               0.054               0.487
> Rmerge in top intensity bin                0.080               -
>                      -
> Rmeas (within I+/I-)                          0.155               0.057
>               0.516
> Rmeas (all I+ & I-)                            0.155               0.057
>               0.516
> Rpim (within I+/I-)                            0.048               0.017
>               0.164
> Rpim (all I+ & I-)                              0.048               0.017
>               0.164
> Fractional partial bias                        -0.006             -0.003
>             0.146
> Total number of observations            83988             2907
>                11885
> Total number unique                          8145                307
>                  1167
> Mean((I)/sd(I))                                   9.3
>                   23.9                 2.1
> Mn(I) half-set correlation CC(1/2)    0.991               0.998
>               0.779
> Completeness                                     99.9
>                 99.5                 100.0
> Multiplicity                                        10.3
>                 9.5                   10.2
> Average unit cell: 37.57 51.51 88.75 90.00 90.00 90.00
> Space group: P212121
> Average mosaicity: 1.90
> Juliana Ferreira de Oliveira
> Brazilian Laboratory of Biosciences - LNBio
> Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials - CNPEM
> Campinas-SP, Brazil

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