Rather then now start mentioning yet 45 other 3D superposition
softwares, I think a pointer to the Wikipedia should suffice:


The Russian Doll effect (if you align more residues the comparison stats
get worse) is best explained (my opinion) by the CATH people (Orengo
group), and Arthur Lest is the only one (still, I think) who has been
thinking extensively about the cutoff question.


From: Reza Khayat
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2017 6:07 PM
To: CCP4 bulletin board
Subject: Structure comparison


I have refined several structures of a protein from different space groups and 
would like to compare them to one another. Is there a program/software suite 
that would provide an objective comparison of the structures and identify 
regions where the structures are sufficiently different from one another to 
warrant a closer look? I think the most important aspect of the analysis would 
be defining a threshold (possibly based on resolution and structure statistics) 
that would identify sufficient difference between structures. Thanks.

Best wishes,

Reza Khayat, PhD
Assistant Professor
City College of New York
Department of Chemistry
New York, NY 10031

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